CED Seminar: Differential Protection Applied to Motors & Transformers
Seminar attendees will learn about the nature of faults within electrical machines and how differential protection can be advantageous. Attendees will be advised on the selection of CT’s and why CT performance is important. An approach to selection setpoints will be presented as well as other methods that can increase security of differential protection.
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Date and Time
- Date: 18 Sep 2018
- Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 01:30 AM UTC
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- Co-sponsored by IEEE Houston
- Starts 13 September 2018 03:48 AM UTC
- Ends 17 September 2018 10:30 PM UTC
- Admission fee ?
Matt Proctor (GE Multilin)
Matt Proctor is currently a Senior Technical Sales Staff Manager for GE Grid Automation. He joined GE in 2010 as a protection & control engineer, specializing in power system studies and protective relay applications. Matt has applied protective relays in applications ranging from 500kV utility substations to 480V industrial distribution and from electromechanical relays to modern digital relays using IEC61850. Matt earned Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, LA in 2001 and an MBA from LSU in 2005. He has been working in the electrical power field in various capacities since 1997.