Elections - Power and Energy/ Industrial Applications Society

#PES #IAS #IEEE #Elections

The Power and Energy / Industrial Applications Society (PE/IAS) is accepting applications for executive positions for the 2020-2022 years. The Chapter serves the interests of it's members by running events that are technical, professional development, or networking based. The PE/IAS has historically been focused on bringing technical speakers into the region to deliver seminars. The chapter is intended to serve the interests of employees or academics in the power utility or industrial power flow segments.

This is an exciting opportunity to create events and community for the Saskatoon region IEEE members. Creativity is encouraged and many types of outreach are possible within this Chapter. The Chapter manages it's own financials and has a healthy balance sheet to support events and outreach. Events and outreach must comply with the IEEE Bylaws and serve the interest of the members.

Elections will be held at Littelfuse in Innovation Place on March 11th at 4 PM. 140-15 Innovation Blvd (The Galleria Building)

The 4 elected roles are: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Those interested in being involved as Members-at-Large are also encouraged to attend.

Please register in advance if you are attending. Pizza and beverages will be served. 

If you are planning on running for a position, please email a.r.detillieux@ieee.org with your intent.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 11 Mar 2020
  • Time: 10:00 PM UTC to 11:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 15 Innovation Blvd
  • Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • Canada s7n2x8
  • Building: The Galleria Building
  • Room Number: 140
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 22 January 2020 09:08 PM UTC
  • Ends 11 March 2020 10:00 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Chapter Chair

The Chapter Chair is responsible for the proper functioning of a local chapter section.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. In possession of and familiar with the IEEE Constitution, Bylaws, RAB Operations Manual and the Section Bylaws (the Chapter is managed according to the administrative parent Section’s bylaws).
  2. Presides at meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Executive Committee.
  3. Operates the Chapter to maximize satisfaction of Chapter member needs with the resources available.
  4. Develops and presents plans for meeting members’ needs to the Chapter Executive Committee for review.
  5. Identifies appropriate volunteers and presents their appointments to the Chapter Executive Committee for review.
  6. Insures that all Chapter Officers and Committee Chairs are properly trained for their jobs.
  7. Signs off on financial report where appropriate and confirms all reporting accurate and submitted in a timely manner.
  8. Insures satisfactory performance from the other Chapter Officers and the Chapter Committee Chairs.
  9. Prepares an annual report of Chapter Activities for submission to the Section Secretary, Region and/or Society Chapter Coordinators.
  10. Represents the Chapter at all IEEE gatherings.
  11. Transfers Chapter records to the new Chapter Chair at the end of the year.

Related documents: L31 meeting forms.

Chapter Vice-Chair

The Chapter Vice-Chair shall support the Chair in carrying out his/her duties, oversee Standing  Committees as directed by the Chair, and exercise such immediate duties as may be required in the absence or unavailability of the Chair.

Chapter Treasurer

The Chapter Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and disbursements in accordance with the Chapter budget, and such financial reports as may be required by the Section Executive Committee and by the IEEE Executive Committee.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Accurately maintains financial records for the Chapter.
  2. Maintains bank accounts of Chapter funds.
  3. Processes bank account signature authority documentation for IEEE Staff Director, and Financial Services signature where local laws and regulations permit.
  4. Prepares the annual budget for submission to the Section Executive Committee.
  5. Makes disbursements in accordance with the approved budget.
  6. Refers expenses outside the budget to the Section Chair for action.
  7. Insures that all Chapter expenditures and disbursements are made in accordance with IEEE policy.
  8. Is familiar with the relevant governance documents affecting financial operations, including but not limited to the RAB Operations Manual and the IEEE Policy & Procedures Manual.
  9. Prepares financial reports for the Section Chair.
  10. Transfers Chapter financial records at the beginning and end of each year.
  11. Submits annual report of financial activity to the IEEE Operations Center and provides follow-up where necessary to confirm that the report has been approved.

Chapter Secretary

The Chapter Secretary shall record the minutes of all business meetings of the Chapter and of the Chapter Executive Committee. He/she shall make such reports of his/her activities as may be required by the IEEE Executive Committee and oversee Standing Committees as directed by the Chair. The Chapter shall retain a recorded copy of the minutes.

Summary of Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Accurately records minutes of all Chapter meetings.
  2. Distributes agenda and meeting notices for all Chapter meetings.
  3. Maintains all Chapter records.
  4. Notifies the IEEE Regional Activities Department of all changes in Chapter and subunit Officers.