Panel Discussion : "Role of Women in Engineering"
Dear Professionals,
WIE IEEE Gujarat Section in association with Marwadi University has organised Panel discussion on "Role of Women in Engineering" on the occasion of International women in Engineering day (23rd June,2020). We have invited eminent speakers from all over the globe and it will be truly an inspirational discussion.The link of the webinar will be shared to all registered participants on the day of the event and E-certificates will be provided through an email.
Join us for this introspective panel discussion, we will surely explore what a woman engineer as an individual can do. This panel discussion is sure to raise some questions and encourage deep thoughts about women engineers of the 21st century.
Date & Time : 23/06/2020 3 00 p.m. IST
Panel Moderator
Prof. Foram Rajdev
Faculty - Marwadi University
Faculty - Marwadi University
WIE Chair-IEEE Gujarat Section
Research Scholar
Dr. Mini Ulanat
Systems Manager- CUSAT
Chair WIE IEEE Kerala Section
Dr Alexandra Posoldova
Data Scientist
Vice-Chair of IEEE Queensland
Miss Thittaporn Ganokratanaa
President of IEEE HKN (Mu Theta Student Chapter)
Research Scholar
Miss Rabbia Saleem
Ex-Advisor - WIE IEEE Punjab University student branch
Research Scholar
Date and Time
- Date: 23 Jun 2020
- Time: 11:00 AM UTC to 12:15 PM UTC
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call :75730 17129
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- Co-sponsored by Marwadi university