About vTools Events
IEEE vTools Events is more than just a place to report past meeting activity. It is an event management tool that enables IEEE Sections, Subsections, Chapters, Affinity Groups and Student Branches to schedule, promote and report (L31) IEEE meetings and events.
vTools Events also offers event registration which, if setup, will automatically send the proceeds of the event to the organizational unit’s Concentration Banking account or to an external account for organizational units outside of the United States or Canada.
We highly encourage all geo units to use vTools Events to schedule future meetings. All vTools Events and IEEE sponsored conferences are displayed in IEEE Collabratec™ and a data feed can be used in your organization's website calendar.
Members and the public may see and register for the upcoming events. Visit project tutorials page for more information. vTools are developed and made possible by IEEE volunteers. The toolbox simplifies administration by offering web based software, reduces time spent managing activities, and assists in member development.
vTools is sponsored by IEEE Membership and Geographic Activities (MGA). MGA serves the needs of IEEE members by supporting IEEE Sections, Chapters, and Branches and is responsible for IEEE membership, and member development.
vTools toolkit contains tools in various phases of development, from production, to pilots, to active development.