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"They told me computers could only do arithmetic."
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CH01082 - New York Section Chapter,COM19
CH05171 - Fort Worth Section Chapter, COM19
CH04061 - Twin Cities Section Jt. Chapter, SP01/COM19
R20035 - Philadelphia Section
CH10557 - Bangladesh Section Chapter, COM19
CH10606 - Harbin Section Chapter, COM19
CH03179 - Jamaica Section Chapter, COM19
CH06201 - Foothill Section Chapter,COM19
CH02088 - Pittsburgh Section Jt Chapter,VT06/COM19
CH10361 - Malaysia Section Jt Chap,VT06/COM19
CH02009 - Baltimore Section Chapter,COM19
CH07041 - Toronto Section Chapter, COM19/BT02
CH01049 - Long Island Section Chapter,COM19
CH05005 - Central Texas Sect Jt. Chap,COM19/SP01/CT08 Austin
CH10189 - Thailand Section Chapter, COM19
CH01231 - Binghamton Section Chapter, COM19
CH10273 - Indonesia Section Chapter,COM19
CH10271 - Northern Australia Section Jt. Chap, MTT17/COM19
CH06125 - Oakland-East Bay Section Chapter, COM19
CH06087 - Santa Clara Valley Section Chapter, COM19
CH10760 - Guangzhou Section Jt. Chapter, SP01/COM19-Shenzhen
CH10515 - Hyderabad Section Chapter, COM19
CH10123 - South Australia Section, SP01/COM19
CH10579 - Pune Section Chapter, COM19
CH07135 - Hamilton Section Chapter, SP01/IT12/COM19
CH06221 - Buenaventura Section Chapter,COM19
CH10018 - New South Wales Section Jt Chapter,SP01/COM19/OE22
CH10041 - Tokyo/FK/HR/NG/SP/SK/SE Jt Sec Chap,COM19
CH04079 - Central Indiana Section Jt. Chapter,SP01/COM19
CH04027 - Chicago Section Chapter, COM19
CH07093 - Canadian Atlantic Section Chapter, COM19
CH06005 - Coastal Los Angeles Section Chpt, SP01/VT06/COM19
CH07177 - Windsor Section Joint Chapter, SP01/COM19
CH01075 - Maine Section Chapter,C16/COM19
CH07076 - Kingston Section Chapter, C16/COM19
CH04084 - Central Iowa Section Jt. Chapter, SP01/CAS04/COM19
CH02033 - Columbus Section Jt Chapter,C16/COM19
CH03225 - Atlanta Section Chapter, COM19
CH05071 - Galveston Bay Section Chapter, COM19
CH07052 - Winnipeg Section Chapter, COM19
CH06102 - Seattle Sect Jt. Chap, COM19/VT06/BT02/IT12/ITS38
CH10269 - Karachi Section Chapter,COM19
CH10387 - Kansai Section Chapter,COM19
CH06001 - Orange County Section Chapter,SP01/COM19
CH07127 - Saint Maurice Sect Chap, COM19
CH04053 - Southeastern Michigan Sec,AES10/COM19
CH10300 - Kolkata Section Chapter, COM19
CH10404 - Madras Section Chapter, COM19
CH10056 - Victorian Section Chapter, COM19
CH03185 - Huntsville Section Jt. Chapter,AP03/MTT17/COM19
CH03197 - Northwest Florida Section Chap,C16/COM19
CH10450 - Xian Section Chapter, COM19
CH10062 - Hong Kong Section Jt. Chapter, CAS04/COM19
CH07016 - Montreal Section Chapter, IT12/COM19
CH07009 - Kitchener-Waterloo Section Chapter,COM19
CH10422 - Shanghai Section Chapter, COM19
CH07190 - North Saskatchewan Sect. Jt. Chap,CAS04/COM19/SP01
CH02140 - Northern Virginia Section Chapter,COM19
CH01156 - North Jersey Section Chapter,COM 19
CH02109 - Washington Section Chapter,COM19
CH01072 - New Jersey Coast Section Chapter,COM19
CH10447 - Bangalore Section Chapter, COM19
CH05079 - Kansas City Section Chapter, C16
CH03188 - Coastal South Carolina Chapter,C16/COM19/PE31
CH01216 - Buffalo Section Chapter,COM19
CH02152 - Baltimore Section Chapter,SP01
CH01124 - Syracuse Section Jt Chapter,AES10/COM19/SP01
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