Speaker: Prof. İrşadi Aksun, Koç University (Co-Author: H. Serhat Tetikol)
Topic: "Understanding Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) via Critical Study of Dispersion Relation – Complete Picture and Correct Interpretation"
Location: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract: Dispersion relation for surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) is a fundamental equation that has long been known. A common misconception in its solution is that either a complex frequency or a complex wave-vector can be used to account for losses in the system. We show that both frequency and wave-vector should simultaneously take complex values in order to fully account for the underlying physics represented by the dispersion relation, resulting in Dispersion Surface. Realizing that the dispersion surface is in fact a manifestation of a richly embroidered set of dispersion lines, which may be accessible by carefully selecting source and material properties, our results pave the way for the possibility of unprecedented engineering of resolution, confinement, group velocity and band-gap in structures supporting SPPs. Our results are also applicable to a larger class of waves in dispersive environments, and pose a major amendment to the conventional interpretation of dispersion.
Bio: M. İrşadi Aksun, professor of electrical and electronics engineering, is the vice president for research and development at Koç University. Dr. Aksun received his B.S and M.S degrees in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey, and his Ph.D degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A., in 1990. His research interests are: Computational EM and Optics, Antennas and Propagation, Nanophotonics. After completing postdoctoral training at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he joined the faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Bilkent University, and worked there until 2001. Then, he joined Koç University in 2001, served as Dean of Faculty of Engineering between 2004-2009, and has been serving in the capacity of Vice President for Research and Development since September 1, 2009. He has received “TÜBİTAK Incentive Award” in 1994, “The Best Professor Award” given annually by Bilkent students in 2001, “TÜBİTAK Science Award” in 2007, and become a principle member of Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2012.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Apr 2017
- Time: 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+03:00) Turkey
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Prof. Irsadi Aksun of Koc University
Understanding Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPP) via Critical Study of Dispersion Relation – Complete Picture and Correct
Address:Istanbul, Türkiye