Rochester Section EXCOM meeting
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The Jade Garden in Southtown Plaza HAS CLOSED!!!
The meeting will be across the street at Tandoor of India
The monthly Rochester IEEE Executive Committee meeting brings together all of the leaders of the Section, Chapters, and Groups.
We review plans for upcoming Rochester meetings within our Section, Chapters, and groups at this meeting. If you are looking to become more engaged in IEEE in the Rochester Section, please plan on attending an Excom meeting! These meetings are open to the general public and serve as a great platform for networking with fellow engineers over lunch.
We even pick up part of the tab for lunch!!!! A full buffet lunch for just $5!! If you are student, it gets even better as lunch only costs you $3!!
We typically have about 30-35 people attend this meeting! These meetings occur on the first Tuesday of every month (except August).
Date and Time
- Date: 06 Feb 2018
- Time: 05:00 PM UTC to 06:00 PM UTC
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 01 January 2018 01:26 PM UTC
- Ends 06 February 2018 10:00 PM UTC
- Admission fee ?
A. Section Officer Reports
- Section Chair Report: Ram Dhurjaty
- Section Vice-Chair Report: Cristian Linte
- Section Treasurer Report: Bill Fowlkes
- Section Secretary Report: Eric Brown
B. Chapter Society and Group Reports
- Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society and Communications Society (AES10/COMM19): Cristiano Tapparello
- Computer Society and Computational Intelligence Society (C16/CIS11): Bo YuanElectron Devices and Circuits and Systems: Sean Rommel
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMB18): Cristian Linte
- Rochester/Binghamton/Buffalo/Ithaca/Syracuse Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRS29): Emmett Ientilucci
- Life Members Group: Mark Schrader
- Microwave Theory and Techniques Society / Antennas and Propagation Society (MTT17/AP03): Joseph Majkowski
- Photonics Society (PHO36): Bruce Smith and Parsian K. Mohseni
- Power Engineering Society / Industry Applications Society (PE31/IA34): Jean Kendrick
- Signal Processing Society (SP01): Ray Ptucha
- Technology Managment Council (TM14): Paul Lee
- Young Professionals:Eric Brown
C. Student Chapter Reports
- Rochester Institute Of Technology: Gill Tsouri
- University of Rochester: Tom Howard
D. Committee Reports
- Membership Report: NEED VOLUNTEER!
- Awards Report: Jean Kendrick
- Electronic Communications Coordinator: Greg Gdowski
- Newsletter Report: Howard Bussey
- PACE Report: Alex Loui and Bruce Rubin
E. Liaison Reports
- R1 Western Area Chair: Greg Gdowski
- Rochester Engineering Society (RES) Report: Harold Paschal
- Rochester Council of Scientific Societies (RCSS) Report: William A. Brewer
F. Old Business
G. New Business
H. Open Discussion
I. Adjournment
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