[Legacy Report] Environmental Sensing with AUV-Based Sonar

#environmental #sensing #AUV #UUV #underwater #acoustic

Acoustic refraction and scattering by water column features such as tidal fronts have a profound effect on sonar performance.  These features have been explored with satellite, imaged with marine radar, directly measured with CTD and inferred through propagation measurements.   However, high-frequency AUV-based sonars offer a unique method of mapping these structures dynamically over a large area.  A proof of concept was carried out in the Columbia River in September of 2014 and 2015.  In these field tests, an forward-looking sonar was used to map large hydrological events.  These events were simultaneously sensed with marine radar and a large swath of the tidal front was imaged with both systems.  Because the marine radar is only sensitive to surface features, the use of the sonar provides the underwater picture of the event for both fluid dynamics model verification and prediction verification for remote sensing techniques.  This sensor is now being deployed on a REMUS 600 AUV for seven field trials in the next five years in rivers and estuaries to further explore the method.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 04 Jul 2017
  • Time: 09:00 PM UTC to 10:30 PM UTC
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  • Halifax, Nova Scotia
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Dr Marcia Isakson of Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin


Environmental Sensing with AUV-Based Sonar



Address: Austin, Texas, United States