Each year, March 8th – and the week in which it falls – provides an opportunity to take stock of our progress towards gender equality and to honour the contributions women have made and are making around the world. This International Women’s Day, we came together in solidarity to celebrate our progress and to resist the patriarchal, communal and regressive forces that are operating with utter impunity in our country.
Being born a girl means clearing lot of troubles and it begins right at the starting line, sex selective abortions are frequent in countries like INDIA, where girls are often seen as a financial burden, discrimination begins even before birth. Sexual mutilation is the fate of at least 200 million girls in 30 countries that often leads to serious infections and death. 63 million girls are kept out of school and 700 million girls are forced to get married often to too much older men. Way too often, home is not a safe place as women are beaten and abused by their own partners. Even the lucky ones can never stop fighting for equal pay, equal opportunities and equal rights. Being born a girl means clearing lot of hurdles. Struggle for women’s rights cannot be a one-day fight.
The theme for IWD 2017 is #BeBoldForChange.
Supporting International Women's Day and showing strong commitment to gender equality, VNRVJIET WIE leads when it comes to gender diversity and equality in the workplace and encouraging women to reach their full potential.
Talk on Reproductive health, Menstrual hygiene and problems facing by women and situations by Himabala madam who speak about the issues and answered to the various queries from the students.
Later on an AWARENESS session by SHE TEAM members HYDERABAD and explained on What lines they work and how to utilize them in the emergency.
Drawings and face painting competition and recognition of women for their extraordinary work marked the International Women’s Day celebration in the VNRVJIET on Thursday.
Date and Time
- Date: 08 Mar 2018
- Time: 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+05:30) Asia/Calcutta
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- bachupally
- nizampet
- Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
- India 500090
- Building: VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of engineering & technology
- Room Number: student activity center
- Contact Event Host
Ganesh Reddy
Reproductive health, menstrual hygiene and problems and their solutions
Talk on Reproductive health, Menstrual hygiene and problems facing by women and situations by Himabala madam who speaks about the issues and answered the various queries from the students.
she team
Awareness about SHE TEAM and how to utilize them in emergency
AWARENESS session by SHE TEAM members HYDERABAD and explained on What lines they work and how to utilize them in an emergency.
The original aim – to achieve full gender equality for women, the world – has still not been realised. A gender pay gap persists across the globe and women are still not present in equal numbers in business or politics. Figures show that globally, women’s education, health and violence towards women is still worse than that of men. On International Women’s Day, WIE of VNRVJIET let the people recognise these inequalities – while also celebrating the achievements of women who have overcome these barriers and encouraging people to step up and take ground-breaking action to help drive gender equality.
Keeping these in the first place, WIE has organised the following events:
Talk on reproductive health, menstrual hygiene and problems facing women and solutions
Face painting
Debating on women issues in today life
Pencil sketching
The event ended with a group photograph