DaleKen - IEEE ENCS Autonomous Navigational Mobile Humanoid Robot Project
DaleKen - IEEE ENCS Autonomous Navigational Mobile Humanoid Robot Project
Based on our IEEE mission and vision of creating in-house IEEE member experts in Robotics and Automation, our team had triggered "DaleKen - IEEE ENCS Autonomous Navigational Mobile Humanoid Robot Project" next phase of humanoid project, increasing Ken’s humanoid intelligence with mobility and further with autonomous navigational intelligence.
Daleken has been designed with a set of simple and complex requirements, with a long term vision of everyone from high school students, professionals, hobbyists and seniors can take part, learn, add contributions as hobbyist, use and control the system in a controlled environment.
Our team primarily involving IEEE and guest members has done significant work during after-hours at Forge Initiave premises and has created an initial prototype version of physical Daleken with system components involving drive wheel mechanism, basic mobility and vision system already integrated. Daniel McDonald and team will be providing the high level system architecture, demo and walkthrough of the project. Daniel is an impressive IEEE member who has significantly, consistently contributed to IEEE humanoid project. Rodney Radford will briefly talk about arduino control on the drive system and Mahesh Balasubramaniam will briefly talk about the autonavigation related vision system architecture.
Our IEEE Daleken, humanoid projects are primarily non-profit learning platforms to foster the STEM activities among the professionals, students, senior hobbyists as well as future generations.
IEEE R&A chapter strongly recommends every interested IEEE member to join and volunteer for DaleKen and humanoid project. We plan to have physical Daleken Robot during our presentation. We always encourage those interested people to volunteer for opportunities in continuous integration, calibration, optimization and autonomous navigation logic with a handful of sensors (Ultrasonics, Lidar, IR depth camera vision, wheel encoders).
http://sites.ieee.org/encs-humanoid/ (sites are being updated for latest information)
Speaker Information
Daniel McDonald, an IEEE Senior Member since 2012 and is the Artificial Intelligence Team Lead for the ENCS DaleKen Project who cherishes continuous innovative contribution. Rodney Radford is our current IEEE ENCS section secretary and is a senior hobbyist. Mahesh Balasubramaniam is current IEEE ENCS R&A chapter chair & a hobbyist.
IEEE ENCS RA24 chapter appreciates the passion, drive and contribution from the team for Daleken project and wishes continued success and all the very best to entire team.
Date and Time
- Date: 02 Apr 2018
- Time: 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- Add Event to Calendar
- 911 Partners Way
- Raleigh, North Carolina
- United States 27606
- Building: Engineering Building 1 (EB1)
- Room Number: 1007
- Contact Event Host
Mahesh Balasubramaniam
- Starts 20 March 2018 01:15 AM
- Ends 02 April 2018 08:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
6:30-7:00pm Networking with pizza and soda
The times below are approximate and are given just as a guideline:
7:00-7:10pm News and announcements
7:10-7:50pm DaleKen - IEEE ENCS Autonomous Navigational Mobile Humanoid Robot Project by Daniel and team.
7:50-8:00pm Brief Q/A from IEEE students, hobbyists, professionals and seniors
8:00-8:30pm Show-n-Tell (if interested, bring out your projects to show to other members)