#Sencer #Koç #Antenna #Measurements

16 March 2018 (13:40):  IEEE AP/MTT/EMC/ED Turkey 2017 Course Series (C.1)

Lecturer: Prof. Sencer Koç, Middle East Technical University

Topic: "Antenna Measurements"

Location: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract: This talk is about antenna measurement. The basic parameters used to characterize antennas and the techniques to measure such parameters are described. Methods and devices to measure antenna impedance and pattern are discussed. Antenna range requirements and characterization are explained. Open range and anechoic chambers and factors that introduce errors in measurement are presented.

Bio: Dr. Sencer Koç received his PhD degree from Electrical Engineering at the Middle East Technical University in 1987.  He was a research assistant, assistant professor, and associate professor in the same department.  Since 2010, he is a full professor, also in the same department.  His research interests include general theory of electromagnetic fields, antenna theory and measurements, numerical methods for electromagnetics, radar systems, and RF-MEMS.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 16 Mar 2018
  • Time: 01:30 PM to 03:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT+03:00) Turkey
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  • Ankara, Ankara
  • Türkiye

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Prof. Sencer Koc