Spring Bash at the Upham - IEEE Central Coast

#gourmet #dinner #backpacking #Rising #Stars #conference

Please join us Wednesday 9 May 2018 @ 6 PM At the Upham Hotel at 1404 De La Vina St. For a gourmet dinner event.

Louie's Bistro at the Upham Hotel


Mixed Sweet Greens with Mustard-Shallot Vinaigrette

Entrée Choice of:

Grilled Filet Mignon
with Sautéed Mushrooms and Caramelized Shallots,
Cabernet Sauce and Gorgonzola Cheese,
over Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Sesame crusted Scottish Salmon
with stir fried vegetables in a soy ginger vinaigrette
with rice noodles and a wasabi cream sauce

Parmesan Crusted Chicken Breast
on Angel Hair Pasta with Tomato Garlic Concasse
and Gorgonzola Cheese

Vegan Special

Dessert: Tiramisu (Sorbet for Vegan)



Dennis Horwitz - Lightweight Backpacking Technology

Aditya  Wadaskar - IEEE Rising Stars Conference in Las Vegas

  Date and Time




  • Date: 10 May 2018
  • Time: 01:00 AM UTC to 04:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Upham Hotel
  • 1404 De La Vina street
  • Santa Barbara, California
  • United States 93101
  • Building: Garden Room

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 19 April 2018 10:07 PM UTC
  • Ends 07 May 2018 08:15 PM UTC
  • Admission fee ?
  • Menu: Salmon, Beef Filet, Chicken Breast, Vegan Special


Dennis Horwitz Dennis Horwitz


Lightweight Backpacking Technology

What is Lightweight Backpacking? The right planning and gear choices can shrink a 40-50 lb. backpack to 10-20 lbs. without compromising comfort and safety. And a lighter pack will certainly contribute to greater enjoyment. IEEE/ASME-member Dennis Horwitz will present the principles of lightweight backpacking and the gear selection methodology that goes with it. But let’s admit it - engineers are notorious gear junkies. From the engineering perspective, we’ll look at the innovations (and cost) in fabrics, insulation, chemistry, electronics and design that are helping the outdoorsman shed weight and enjoy more. And a lighter pack helps extend your love of the outdoors into your 60s and 70s. Even if you are not a backpacker or camper, everyone will take away something from this interesting and light-hearted presentation. Get lighter and get out more.


Dennis Horwitz is a high technology entrepreneur and co-founder of three fiber optic technologycompanies – Photodyne Inc. (1979-1990), Rifocs Corporation (1990-2004) and Micronor Inc. (2004 to the present). His first two companies were successful innovators of fiber optic test and measurement equipment for telecom, industrial, and mil/aero applications. His current company Micronor is developing and producing EMI/RFI-immune fiber optic position and signaling sensors that are enabling new industrial automation and medical applications. Dennis loves hiking, camping, history, and exploring off the beaten path. He and a high school friend follow in the footsteps of PBS celebrity Huell Howser and explore California’s Gold at every opportunity.

Aditya Wadaskar Chair Aditya Wadaskar Chair of IEEE UCSB Student Branch


IEEE Rising Stars Conference in Las Vegas

Experiencing the IEEE Rising Stars Conference in Las Vegas - This talk is focused on the different professional and social activities that are part of the conference, and the overall experience.


Aditya Wadaskar is a 3rd-year Computer Engineering student and the Chair of the IEEE Student Branch at UCSB. Earlier in January, he and four other officers attended the Rising Stars Conference which is held annually in Las Vegas, NV.  The attendance was made possible by generous donations from the Central Coast Section and the Dean of Engineering at UCSB.


Please join us Wednesday 9 May 2018 @ 6 PM At the Upham Hotel at 1404 De La Vina St. For a gourmet dinner catered by Louie’s Bistro. We’ll start with appetizers, Beverage and catching up. Then a short meeting and presentation on IEEE Rising Stars Dinner will be served around 7 PM.The Backpacking talk will start at dessert. The $10 cover raises the probability that those who sign-up show-up