Technical Meeting
Research into 5G and IoT Technologies at UTS: From Spectrum Sharing to Blockchain for Security and Trust
Date and Time
- Date: 25 Jul 2018
- Time: 01:00 AM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
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- Kita 14 Nishi 9
- Kita-ward
- Sapporo, Hokkaido
- Japan 060-0814
- Building: Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
- Room Number: 11-17
- Click here for Map
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- Co-sponsored by IEICE Hokkaido Section
Eryk Dutkiewicz, Dr., Professor of University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Research into 5G and IoT Technologies at UTS: From Spectrum Sharing to Blockchain for Security and Trust
5G and Internet of Things technologies have the potential to enable many new applications and bring economic benefits. There are, however, many challenges that need to be overcome to make them useful. In this presentation we focus on research conducted at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) addressing two such challenges: spectrum sharing and security and trust. Spectrum sharing is regarded as an essential approach to regaining access to otherwise unused spectrum and it is considered an essential component in the development of IoT and 5G networks. Efficient decisions regarding the use of spectrum sharing require accurate knowledge of the spatial and temporal spectrum use. This knowledge can be represented in Radio Environment Maps which need to be generated efficiently and accurately. Radio Environment Maps can also be used for policing and enforcement of spectrum use for security purposes. Security and trust are also essential elements associated with Internet of Things networks and applications. In this presentation we discuss Internet of Things technologies and applications as well as their security and trust aspects. Subsequently we describe the concept of the blockchain which was originally designed for secure financial transactions. Its cryptographic security benefits, including user anonymity, fault tolerance, transaction integrity and authentication, can be used to enable security and privacy in Internet of Things. We discuss the benefits, limitations and challenges of using blockchain with Internet of Things. We also describe our IoT-blockchain testbed and overview several of our current IoT-blockchain projects for supply chain tracking.
Professor Eryk Dutkiewicz obtained his Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1988, his Master of Science in Applied Mathematics from the University of Adelaide, Australia in 1992 and his PhD (Telecommunications) from the University of Wollongong, Australia in 1996. From 1999 to 2004 he worked at Motorola Laboratories in Sydney where he managed a wireless research laboratory. During that time he was also deeply involved in the development of the popular WiFi technology. Since returning to academia in 2004 he has worked closely with industry partners including Motorola, Freescale, Intel and Nokia. He is currently the Head of School of Electrical and Data Engineering at the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. He is an author of over 290 research papers and several book chapters. His professional activities in recent years included participation on various International Steering Committees. He was the General Chair of IEEE VTC 2017-Spring in Sydney.