Big Data R Tutorial

#Big #Data #Analytics #R #splines #generalised #additive #models #bias-variance #trade-off

Using splines and generalised additive models in R to illustrate the bias-variance trade-off

Please install R and RStudio, and enable eduroam, before attending this session. 

R -

RStudio -

Note: If you want to produce reproducible analysis using knitr and markdown, then you should also install the two pieces of software (MiKTeX and Pandoc): These two pieces of software allow you to produce PDF output in addition to the standard outputs.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 31 Oct 2018
  • Time: 04:30 AM UTC to 05:30 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Bond University
  • 14 University Drive
  • Robina, Queensland
  • Australia 4226
  • Building: Building 2
  • Room Number: Big Data Room (BLD_3_09)

  • Contact Event Host
  • Co-sponsored by Bond University Centre of Actuarial and Financial Big Data Analytics
  • Starts 03 October 2018 04:30 AM UTC
  • Ends 31 October 2018 04:30 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Dr Adrian Gepp of Bond University


Using splines and generalised additive models in R to illustrate the bias-variance trade-off


Dr Adrian Gepp is currently an Associate Professor of Statistics at the Bond Business School, Bond University. In his research as part of the Centre of Actuarial and Financial Big Data Analytics, Adrian uses big data analytics to reveal unique insights about problems of economic and social importance. In addition to his international award-winning work in corporate fraud detection, Adrian researches in a wide-variety of areas including business failure prediction, workplace design, quantifying advertising effectiveness, health analytics and predicting modelling in business and finance. Adrian’s research is published in top international academic journals and has been presented at leading international academic conferences. He has ongoing research projects on novel big data issues funded by leading industry organisations such as Queensland Airports Limited. Before receiving his doctorate in 2015, he attained first class honours for his Master of Information Technology (Honours) and University Medals for both his undergraduate degrees in commerce and information technology.