IEEE Workshop on Li-Fi Technologies & Applications
This is an event sponsored by IEEE Photonics Society Sweden Chapter
The Li-Fi Workshop is co-organized with the IEEE Photonics Society Sweden Chapter, IEEE Sweden Social Implications of Technology (SIT), Lighting Research Center (LRC), and the Swedish Energy Agency (SEA).
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a visible light communication (VLC) system, where LEDs used for illumination are used for optical wireless data communication at the same time. The widespread future use of LED lamps for illumination creates an opportunity for VLC.
This workshop deals with all aspects of Li-Fi from research to applications, as well as providing an insight to the supply change from device vendors to system providers and end-users. The Swedish Energy Agency (SEA) will also inform about research funding opportunities, as well as arrange a tour in their lighting lab.
The number of seats in the room is limited to 35 and 10 Seats are reserved for IEEE members.
Registration will start on 24 October 2018.
Registration will close on 5 December 2018.
Workshop committee:
- Christofer Silfvenius (Swedish Energy Agency) – Workshop chair
- Anders Hallberg (Swedish Energy Agency)
- Athanasios Stavridis (Ericsson)
- Arne Alping (IEEE Photonics Society - Sweden Chapter)
Date and Time
- Date: 07 Dec 2018
- Time: 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+01:00) Stockholm
- Add Event to Calendar
- Swedish Energy Agency
- Rosenlundsgatan 9
- Stockholm, Stockholms lan
- Sweden SE-11853
- Room Number: Bullerö
- Contact Event Host
Please contact Christofer Silfvenius for any additional information
- Co-sponsored by Swedish Energy Agency
- Starts 24 October 2018 09:00 AM
- Ends 05 December 2018 11:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+01:00) Stockholm
- 0 in-person spaces left!
- No Admission Charge
Introduction Dr. Christofer Silfvenius (SEA)
The EELYS research program Anders Hallberg (SEA)
Li-Fi technology – an overview and
current research status Prof. Harald Haas (Edinburgh Univ.)
Li-Fi - a standardization overview Istvan Csajaghy (PureLiFi)
A telecom company's view on LiFi Dr. Athanasios Stavridis (Ericsson AB)
Coffee and Networking
A telecom operator’s view on LiFi Sylvain Leroux, Orange
A Li-Fi vendor Istvan Csajaghy (PureLiFi)
Li-Fi trials in various use cases Dr. Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer-HHI)
Li-Fi technology demonstration
Light Communication Alliance Simon Clemont (Liberty Global)
Integrating LiFi into Lighting Design Amrita Sapru Kaul (Lightning Designer)
LED lighting reliability Prof. Mark Rea (LRC)
Optical Camera Communication Marc Fleschen (Zero.1)
Coming EU regulations Dr. Peter Bennich (SEA)
Coffee and Networking
Summary of the Day Dr. Christofer Silfvenius (SEA)
Optional Lab visit SEA Lighting Lab