Intoduction to Robotics using Arduino

#Arduino #C #coding #programming

Arduino is one of the most used open hadware platform for R&D and educations, based on embeded C, this platform offer a large prototyping facilities. This workshop is a typical "Getting starting with arduino" tutorial and is part od a long list of open robotics tutorials arranged by RAS Tunisia Chapter,

In Robotics the arduino based wave rised up with several compatible sensors and actuators allowing a fast prototyping robotics machines. Please see the agenda for details.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 09 Jan 2019
  • Time: 12:00 PM UTC to 04:30 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • IPEIN: Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'ingénieurs de Nabeul
  • Nabeul, Nabeul
  • Tunisia 8000
  • Building: Labo d’informatique (salle 323)

  • Contact Event Host
  • Contact Nizar Rokbani for any inquiries

  • Co-sponsored by


13.00-13.15 : Openeing 

By Dr. Wael Wardaa & Nizar Rokanai 

"IEEE &  IEEE RAS as Leading Engineering Associtaion" 

13.15- 14.15 : Tutorials part I,

By Dr. Nizar Rokbani

- I) Introduction to open hardward platforms. 

-II) The arduino Uno borad

-III) Managing the Arduino IDE

-IV) Logic inputs/outputs

14.15-15.15 Tutorials Part II

-V) Analog inputs

-VI) PWM outpout

15.15-15.30 : Break 

15.30-17.00  Part III

- VII) Typical sensor integration

- IIX) Typical sensing acting chain...

- IX)  Diff drive robot control

 17.15 Certificates and closing.