LEGO Mindstorms Robots for STEM Education by Charles Lord, Rodney Radford + Jetbot Robot using NVIDIA Jetson Nano by Dr. Paul MacDougal

#Robotics #STEM #Motivation #schools #university #Educational #Methods #Learn #By #Example. #Test #Driven #Development #LEGO #mindstoms #inventions #Computing #Architectures #Graphics #Processing #Units #Embedded #Systems #Next #Generation #Autonomous #Machines #NVIDIA #Jetson #AI #Platform

LEGO Mindstorms Robots for STEM Education by Charles Lord, Rodney Radford + Jetbot Robot using NVIDIA Jetson Nano by Dr. Paul MacDougal

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) are simple when there is enough interest and understanding on the subject matter.

To emphasize this key message which is an eminent noble task, Charles Lord will talk about and walkthrough effective methods of using LEGO mindstorms robots for STEM motivational education in every level of academic institutions.  Rodney Radford will be helping on the demonstration part of the talk.  It is interesting to note, Lego Mindstom Nxt has opensource components abstracting a simple but efficient embedded systems - providing easy to use SDK(Software Development Kit), HDK(Hardware Development Kit) and BDK(Bluetooth Development kit) along with multiple programming languages including C, Python, Matlab, Ada, Lua & graphical NXT-G.
Dr. Paul MacDougal will present about Jetbot robot using NVIDIA Jetson Nano.  NVIDIA Jetson Nano is an affordable System On Modue(SOM) with CPU, GPU, Power Management IC, DRAM & Flash - a Maxwell architecture with 128 NVIDIA CUDA cores for performance and power efficiency to run autonomous machines, faster with less power. It is interesting to note, Jetbot has a Robot Operating System(ROS) port along with a model for Gazebo Robotics Simulator.

Speaker Information:

Charles Lord PE is the Chair of Western North Carolina section, a veteran serving for the technology community through IEEE holding multiple positions in past few decades. Charles has also led several IEEE SouthEastCon conferences and the General Co-Chair of IEEE SouthEastCon 2020.  Rodney Radford is an expert senior embedded software developer and maker, Chair of IEEE NC Council and past IEEE RA24 chair.  Rodney also leads the Student and hardware competition programs in IEEE SouthEastcon 2020.

Dr. Paul MacDougal is a Design Engineer in the architecture team of NVIDIA designing and profiling advanced graphics architectures.  Paul holds a PhD in computer science from Ohio state university.

Parking Information:

Plenty of free parking available at following locations adjacent to EB1 Building.

911 Partners Way, Raleigh NC 27606 (EB1 entry)

890 Oval Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606   (EB2 entry)

1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606 (Hunts library 0.2m away)

  Date and Time




  • Date: 07 Oct 2019
  • Time: 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 911 Partners Way
  • Raleigh, North Carolina
  • United States 27606
  • Building: Engineering Building 1 (EB1)
  • Room Number: 1005

  • Contact Event Host
  • Mahesh Balasubramaniam

  • Starts 08 April 2019 12:00 AM
  • Ends 07 October 2019 08:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
  • No Admission Charge


6:30-7:00pm Networking with pizza and soda

The times below are approximate and are given just as a guideline:

7:00-7:10pm News and Announcements

7:10-7:40pm  Use of LEGO Mindstorm Robots for STEM Education by Charles Lord PE & Rodney Radford, IEEE 

7:40-8:10pm Jetbot Robot Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano by Dr. Paul MacDougal

8:10-8:30pm Show & tell by interested hobbyists