Distinguished Lecture (AP): Higher symmetries: A new degree of freedom for the design of periodic structures
AP Society Distinguished Lecture
Title: Higher symmetries: A new degree of freedom for the design of periodic structures
Presenter: Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Date: Friday, 28th June, 2019
Time : 11:00 am – 12.00 pm
Location: G10, 50 Waterloo Road, Macquarie University, New South Wales, Australia
Further information: Khushboo Singh (khushboo.singh@students.mq.edu.au)
Details: http://sites.ieee.org/nsw/upcoming-events/
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Jun 2019
- Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+10:00) Australia/NSW
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- Co-sponsored by IEEE Macquarie University Student Branch
Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel