"Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADCs for Receiver Application" by Maurits Ortmanns
An IEEE/LVS/SSCS distinguished lecture titled "Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADCs for Receiver Application" by Maurits Ortmanns
Date and Time
- Date: 07 Oct 2019
- Time: 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
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- Lehigh University STEPS 102
- 10-36 Asa Dr.
- Bethlehem , Pennsylvania
- United States 18015
- Building: STEPS
- Room Number: 102
- Starts 05 August 2019 12:00 PM
- Ends 07 October 2019 12:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Maurits Ortmanns
Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADCs for Receiver Applications - Basics, Non-idealities and State of the Art
Continuous-time sigma-delta ADCs have obtained a dominant position for the digitization in wireless receivers. With steadily improved theoretical understanding, architectural innovations and excellent circuit designs, they have achieved bandwidths in the range of hundreds of MHz, while showing high resolution with unbeaten power efficiency. But there is more to it: continuous-time sigma-delta ADCs feature an implicit filtering, which becomes very attractive in the case of blocker or interferer scenarios, which is the usual case in wireless receivers. More recently, there have been a number of architectural and circuit innovations, which improved the robustness of the continuous-time sigma-delta ADC to such interferers, which are known as filtering ADCs. This talk covers different aspects of such continuous-time Σ∆ modulators:
- Basic Operation and Architectures
- Influence of non-idealities and correction techniques
- Implicit anti-aliasing and signal-filtering
- Robustness to interferers- The filtering ADC
- State of the art Implementations
Maurits Ortmanns (M'04-SM'11) received the Dr.-Ing. degree in microsystems engineering from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in 2004, with highest honors. From 2004 - 2005, he has been with sci-worx GmbH, Hannover, Germany, where he was working in the field of mixed-signal circuits for biomedical implants. In 2006, he was appointed Assistant Professor for Integrated Interface Circuits at the Institute for Microsystems Engineering at the University of Freiburg. Since May 2008, Prof. Ortmanns is full professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Ulm, where he heads the Institute of Microelectronics.Prof. Ortmanns' main research interests include mixed-signal integrated circuit design, self-correcting and reconfigurable analog circuits, with special emphasis on data converters and implantable electronics.Prof. Ortmanns received the VDI and the VDE award in 1999, Best Student Paper Awards at MWSCAS 2009 and at SampTA 2011, the ITG Publication Award 2015, best demo awards at ICECS 2016 and SENSORS 2017, and the faculty teaching awards 2012 and 2015.He served as program committee member of ESSCirC, DATE, ICECS, and ECCTD, as Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Circuits and Systems I and II and as Guest Editor of the IEEE Journal Solid State Circuits. Prof. Ortmanns was a Technical Program and Executive Committee member of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) between 2012-2016 and the European Regional Chair of ISSCC 2015. He holds several patents, is author of the book "Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta A/D Conversion" and several other book chapters, and he contributed more than 200 IEEE journal and conference papers
6:30 PM - Meet and greet the speaker, in the STEPS building's concourse area (lobby) outside room ST 102
Pizza and soft drinks for those who pre-register, paid for by IEEE/LVS/SSCS
7:30 PM - Lecture, in STEPS building room ST 102
9:00 PM - Adjourn
"Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta ADCs for Receiver Application" by Maurits Ortmanns