IEEE Membership Drive
IEEE Membership Drive is planned in order to bring awareness among the various membership benefits of IEEE and the rewards it provides.
VNR IEEE SB has planned to host a membership drive in order to provide details regarding IEEE membership, rewards and benefits to the students. All the benefits of IEEE membership are going to be discussed in detail and also the rewards it provides are going to be talked about. It is an opportunity for the students to come and be a part of it and gain knowledge regarding IEEE Membership. the event is planned on 21st of August, 2019 at 2 PM in VNRVJIET. Mr. Abhay Joshi, Memberships Development Chair is expected to be present and address the gathering with various valuable insights.
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Aug 2019
- Time: 02:00 PM to 03:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+05:30) Asia/Calcutta
Add Event to Calendar
- Vignana Jyothi Nagar, Niazampet Rd
- Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.
- Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
- India 500090
- Building: K S Auditorium
- Click here for Map
Abhay Joshi
In order to create awareness among the students regarding the various benefits and rewards IEEE provides and encourage them to take up IEEE Membership for a being a better individual.
Students get to realize the importance of IEEE Membership by the end of the session, and this would definitely help drive their interest towards hoing IEEE and helping themselves be a better individual.