Wearable 3D Hearing
The Coastal South Carolina Section Chapter is hosting a joint event with the Citadel's student branch. Our speaker will be Keith McElveen of Wave Sciences. Keith’s talk will be on integrating spatial hearing technologies into wearable devices to enable hearing in noisy, crowded, reverberant environments. He will cover single microphone noise reduction and microphone array beamforming algorithms, as well as recent advances in alternatives to beamforming.
Date and Time
- Date: 25 Sep 2019
- Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- The Citadel
- Charleston, South Carolina
- United States 29403
- Building: Grimsley Hall
- Room Number: Graham Copeland Auditorium - Room 117
- Click here for Map
- Starts 12 September 2019 10:18 PM
- Ends 25 September 2019 02:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Keith McElveen of Wave Sciences
Wearable 3D Hearing
J. Keith McElveen is a senior member of the IEEE who received his BS and MS degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Clemson University in the 1980s. From there, he served in the Cold War engaged in the research, development, engineering, and deployment of cutting-edge technologies. At the end of the Cold War, his involvement in a major war crimes investigation triggered his career-long focus on extracting voices from cocktail party babble and other noises.
Keith’s research & development efforts started with one and two channel noise reduction techniques, but quickly moved to microphone array processing. He first began experimenting with integrating these technologies into garments in 2004. Those experiments eventually led to “productizing” experimental wearable devices for government applications, which have become a small-scale commercial success in niche government applications. However, an “aha” moment came recently when one of his researchers - who is severely hearing impaired - tried one of the hearing garments and immediately noticed a dramatic improvement in his ability to hear in noise and over distance.
Keith’s talk will be on integrating spatial hearing technologies into wearable devices to enable hearing in noisy, crowded, reverberant environments. He will cover single microphone noise reduction and microphone array beamforming algorithms, as well as recent advances in alternatives to beamforming