XXX Spanish Conference of Telecommunications Engineering

#Telecommunications #ICT #conference

This event is aimed to Spanish Telecommunications Engineering students and young professionals interested on information and communication technologies

  Date and Time




  • Date: 21 Sep 2019
  • Time: 10:30 AM to 08:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Plaza del Baluarte s/n
  • Pamplona, Navarra
  • Spain 31002
  • Building: Baluarte

  • Contact Event Host
  • Co-sponsored by Consejo Estatal de Estudiantes de Telecomunicacion (CEET)


10:00h-10:30h. Opening session


10:30h-14:00h. Technical sessions

Track 1: Security

10:30h-11:20h: Cibersecurity at the workplace. Roumen Boyanov (Government of Navarre)

11:20h-12:20h: Is security reduced in teamwork? Emilio Martinez (GGTECH)

12:20h-13:10h: Introduction to Cibersecurity. Jose Manuel Toda (CNIPJ).

13:10h-14:00h: Live demonstration: security exploit. Santiago García (Public University of Navarre).


Track 2: 5G

10:30h-11:20h: Why 5G?. Francisco Falcone (Public University of Navarre).

11:20h-12:20h: Use cases and pilot projects on 5G. Xavier Nuñez (i2CAT)

12:20h-13:10h: What 5G will enable and how we are in Spain. Tomas Alonso (Orange)

13:10h-14:00h: RTVE: how 5G is used. Pere Vila (RTVE)


16:30h-17:10h: Panel session: entrepreneurship is learning (CEIN)


17:10h-19:00h. Technical sessions

Track 1: Security

17:10h-19:00h. The Gamer menace: scams and payment frauds. Andres Naranjo (ElevenPaths)


Track 2: 5G

17:10h-19:00h. 5G R&D. Fco. Javier Marcos (CELLNEX)


19:00h. Gala event and closing session