18 October 2019 (12:40): IEEE AP/MTT/EMC/ED Turkey Seminar Series (S.54)
Speaker: Prof. Ekmel Özbay, Bilkent University
Topic: "A Review of Turkish GaN HEMT Technology Activities for RF Applications"
Location: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Abstract: In this talk, we will review the history, current status and future prospects of the Turkish GaN HEMT technology activities for RF and power electronics applications. After several years of academic research in this area, we have successfully launched a spin-off company and a joint venture between university and industry (Aselsan Bilkent Micro Nano Technologies Inc.) where we have developed the related GaN technologies that includes MOCVD growth, nanoscale fabrication, small and large signal circuit modeling, RF design, reliability and packaging for GaN based HEMT and MMICs that operate from 50 MHz to 40 GHz and beyond.
Bio: Prof. Dr. Ekmel Ozbay received the B.S. degree from Middle East Technical University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University in electrical engineering, in 1987, 1989 and 1992. He worked as a postdoc in Stanford University and he worked as a scientist in Iowa State University. He joined Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey) in 1995, where he is currently a full professor in Physics and EEE Departments. In 2003, he founded Bilkent University Nanotechnology Research Center (NANOTAM) where he leads a research group working on nanophotonics, nanometamaterials, nanoelectronics, and GaN based devices. He is the 1997 recipient of the Adolph Lomb Medal of OSA and 2005 European Union Descartes Science award. He worked as an editor for Optics Letters, PNFA, SPIE JNP and IEEE JQE journals. He has published 495+ articles in SCI journals. His papers have received 17000+ SCI citations with an h-index of 58. He has given 165+ invited talks in international conferences. He recently became the CEO of a spin-off company: AB-MicroNano Inc.
Date and Time
- Date: 18 Oct 2019
- Time: 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+03:00) Turkey
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Prof. Ekmel Ozbay