Technical Talk: Technical, Business and Legislative Aspects of Energy DLT/Blockchain

#Transactive #Energy #Systems #Distributed #Ledger #Technology #Blockchain

Transactive Energy Systems leverage distributed control and economic operational principles to dynamically balance the electrical demand and supply within the electrical grid using advanced information and communication technologies. Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT, in particular Blockchain), is considered as a promising emerging solution that may transform future business and social consumer behavior in several industrial segments. DLT and decentralization of the energy sector are two disruptive components of the future of the transactive power markets. Next generation transactive power systems will be more autonomous and democratic to a greater extent with the help of new derivative technologies at a high degree of complexity and flexibility.

Similar to other emerging technology fields, there is also a strong need to create standards in the Energy Blockchain domain. With this proposition, the IEEE Standards Association (SA) created, in September 2018, the IEEE P2418.5 Blockchain/DLT in Energy Standards Working Group, to address related reference architecture, taxonomy, scalability, cyber-security, interoperability aspects and use cases. Technology mapping use case segmentation and system level modelling of the entire energy blockchain landscape are the critical missions to accomplish a successful standardization framework.

The typical segmentation of blockchain application in the energy sector focuses primarily on two axes, namely, (a) physical area of use case and applications such as “grid transactions”, “peer-to-peer energy trading” and “electric vehicles”, among others, and (b) key functionalities of blockchain technology, such as decentralized transactions that guarantee validity and provide auditability and data recoding with proof of existence and immutability.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 07 Nov 2019
  • Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 12:30 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 8700 Phillips Blvd.
  • UNC Charlotte
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • United States 28223
  • Building: Energy Production & Infrastructure Center (EPIC)
  • Room Number: 1332

  • Contact Event Host
  • Starts 04 November 2019 11:30 PM UTC
  • Ends 06 November 2019 11:00 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Umit Cali of UNC Charlotte


Dr. Umit Cali is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology Department at UNC Charlotte. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from the University of Kassel & Fraunhofer Institute IWES, Kassel, Germany. Dr. Cali has 19 years international experience in the fields of energy systems, data science, blockchain technologies, ICT, energy markets and economics. He has worked for IBM International (Istanbul/Turkey) as a network engineer and project manager, a senior researcher in energy informatics and economics (Fraunhofer Institute – Germany), an Energy Consultant (Lahmeyer International- Germany), a Manager in wind energy project development and energy markets/energy economics (EnBW –Utility in Germany), and Chief Technology Officer for an international service provider in energy efficiency (KREEN Renewables GmbH- Germany/Switzerland).


Pizza and drinks to be served 15 minutes prior to start of the lecture.