Meeting Minutes for IEEE YP BDS Executive Board Outward Meeting

#Meeting #Minutes #for #IEEE #YP #BDS #Executive #Board #Outward

Meeting Minutes for Executive Board Outward Meeting

Date: Friday, 08th November 2019
Meeting start: 04:00 PM
Duration: 180 minutes

Meeting category: Outward meeting


All executive members of IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh 2019 were present in the meeting.

1. Call for action for taking responsibilities for organizing upcoming flagship event.
2. Planning and discussion for how to engage young professionals’ member.


1. The meeting was commenced by A R M Abdullah, Chair, IEEE YP BD 2019, stating about the urgency of taking responsibilities of                      organizing key impactful upcoming events.

2. IEEE YP BDS 2019 role in industrial problem solving such as arrange technical talks with industry during the talks and connect with                    the undergraduate people.

3. Discussion on creating a timeline for the flagship events to be organized by IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh in 2019.

4. Each executive member shared their perception of organizing different category of events which are aligned with technology,                              professionals, humanitarian activity.

5. Workshop on professionals & technical (in collaboration with student branch).

6. Further discussion on the feasibility of the event plans provided will take place in the next meeting for the placement and                                    execution of the venture.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 08 Nov 2019
  • Time: 10:00 AM UTC to 01:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Dhaka, Dhaka
  • Bangladesh

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