Trends for Wearable and Medical Devices
An increase in world population along with a significant aging portion is forcing rapid rises in healthcare costs. The healthcare system is going through a transformation in which continuous monitoring of inhabitants is possible even without hospitalization. The advancement of sensing technologies, embedded systems, wireless communication technologies, nano-technologies, and miniaturization makes it possible to develop smart medical systems to monitor activities of human beings continuously. Wearable sensors monitor physiological parameters continuously along with detect other symptoms such as any abnormal and/or unforeseen situations which need immediate attention. Therefore, necessary help can be provided in times of dire need. This seminar reviews the latest reported systems and the trends on wearable and medical devices to monitor activities of humans and issues to be addressed to tackle the challenges. The research activities on wearable sensors at Macquarie University will be presented.
Date and Time
- Date: 02 Jul 2020
- Time: 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+10:00) Sydney
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Dr. Anna Wang
- Co-sponsored by Prof. Guozhen Liu
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Prof. Subhas Mukhopadhyay
Trends for Wearable and Medical Devices
An increase in world population along with a significant aging portion is forcing rapid rises in healthcare costs. The healthcare system is going through a transformation in which continuous monitoring of inhabitants is possible even without hospitalization. The advancement of sensing technologies, embedded systems, wireless communication technologies, nano-technologies, and miniaturization makes it possible to develop smart medical systems to monitor activities of human beings continuously. Wearable sensors monitor physiological parameters continuously along with detect other symptoms such as any abnormal and/or unforeseen situations which need immediate attention. Therefore, necessary help can be provided in times of dire need. This seminar reviews the latest reported systems and the trends on wearable and medical devices to monitor activities of humans and issues to be addressed to tackle the challenges. The research activities on wearable sensors at Macquarie University will be presented.
Subhas holds a B.E.E. (gold medallist), M.E.E., Ph.D. (India) and Doctor of Engineering (Japan). He has over 30 years of teaching, industrial and research experience.
Currently he is working as a Professor of Mechanical/Electronics Engineering, Macquarie University, Australia and is the Discipline Leader of the Mechatronics Engineering Degree Programme. Before joining Macquarie he worked as Professor of Sensing Technology, Massey University, New Zealand. His fields of interest include Smart Sensors and sensing technology, instrumentation techniques, wireless sensors and network (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT), numerical field calculation, electromagnetics etc. He has supervised over 40 postgraduate students and over 100 Honours students. He has examined over 50 postgraduate theses.
He has published over 400 papers in different international journals and conference proceedings, written seven books and forty two book chapters and edited seventeen conference proceedings. He has also edited thirty two books with Springer-Verlag and twenty four journal special issues. He has organized over 20 international conferences as either General Chairs/co-chairs or Technical Programme Chair. He has delivered 331 presentations including keynote, invited, tutorial and special lectures.
He is a Fellow of IEEE (USA), a Fellow of IET (UK), a Fellow of IETE (India). He is a Topical Editor of IEEE Sensors journal. He is also an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Sensors Council from 2017 to 2019. He chairs the IEEE IMS NSW chapter.
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