Lecture on "Python for Machine Learning-3"
Mr P Anudeep (Assistant Professor, VNR VJIET) was the resource person for the day to deliver a lecture on “Python for Machine Learning” to help students understand the uses of the Python Programming Language in the field of Machine Learning.
- Setting up the environment on Google Colab, for using Pandas Library and choosing the right Hardware Accelerator, as per needs.
- Discussion on Pandas and using it in Titanic Survival use-case. (Working on Titanic dataset; describing Name, Age, Cabin, people survived etc.)
- Since it is tedious to work on a large Excel Sheet (large Dataset), Pandas Library was used for Data Analysis, to make life easier.
- Creating dataframes, and performing operations like .info(), .dtypes, and so on, for Data Mining.
- He also taught about Data Cleaning, where topics like Missing Values, and using predefined methods to fill NaN values in the given dataframe, Dropping unnecessary columns, Splitting, and Grouping of data based on certain criteria.
- Another use-case on Air Quality was discussed. Here, Pivot Tables were covered, performing Data Visualization, combining multiple tables using concatenation method, and Sorting Data based on certain criteria.
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Jun 2020
- Time: 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+05:30) Asia/Calcutta
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Mr P Anudeep of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
Python for Machine Learning
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Teaching Interests: VLSI Design, Semiconductor Device Physics, Circuit Analysis, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Logic Design, Machine Learning, Advanced Digital Signal Processing.
This session is a continuation of Pandas Library, where the resource person discussed in-depth about it, in two use-cases. Topics like Data Analysis of Excel (or CSV) sheets using Pandas, Data Mining, Data Cleaning, and Data Visualization were briefly covered.
The above topics were covered on Google Colab Notebooks.
About 31 people attended the webinar and gained knowledge on the Pandas Library for Data Analysis and Manipulation. The speaker executed each and every program in detail to benefit the students and clarify all their doubts regarding the concepts of Python involved, and Dataframe methods for Data Manipulation.