Lecture on Arm Cortex M4-Programming(IOT Webinar Series Day-5)
Mr B B Shabarinath (Assistant Professor, VNR VJIET) was the resource person for the day to deliver a lecture on “Arm Cortex M4-Programming” to help students understand the uses of the Arm Cortex M4-programming in the field of IOT.
- Different Platforms for building Embedded Systems.
- Need for 32-bit Microcontroller.
- IOT Scenario.
- ARM Basics.
- Tiva C Series Launch Pad.
- GPIO Programming.
- Switch and LED.
- Timer and Timer Interrupt.
Date and Time
- Date: 22 Jun 2020
- Time: 04:30 AM UTC to 06:30 AM UTC
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VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
Arm Cortex M4-Programming
Mr B B Shabarinath has a teaching experience of over 4 years and research experience of 6 months. He has pursued M.Tech in the field of Embedded System Technology.
This session is conducted on Day-5 of IOT webinar series, where the resource person discussed on Basics of Arm and different platforms for building embedded systems in detail. Topics like ARM Cortex M4-programming,Basics of arm, GPIO programming , Real world applications of IOT .
About 64 people attended the webinar and gained knowledge on the Arm Cortex M4-programming. The speaker executed M4-programs in detail and showed various IOT devices to benefit the students and clarify all their doubts regarding the concepts of ARM, 32-bit microcontroller and Tiva C Series Launch Pad.