Idea Contest to Mitigate the Post-COVID Impact in Low and Middle-Income Countries
IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh is organizing an idea contest that leverages the technical skills of IEEE YP members and promotes humanitarian activities by seeking ideas to minimize the socio-economic impacts after COVID-19 sponsored by IEEE Young Professionals.
Any IEEE Young Professionals members and student members from the IEEE Bangladesh Section can participate in the contest. Participants must form a team to take part in the contest consisting of a maximum of 4 members including at least a Young Professional member. Every team will be recognized by its team name. A mentor must be included in every team that should be an active IEEE member (graduate student member or above).
Formats of the Idea:
Every idea should have a title and written in the IEEE conference format ( in less than 2 pages with the figures. There should be an abstract of fewer than 100 words, introduction, problem statement, proposed solution, future outlook, and reference.
Evaluation Criteria:
All ideas must be original and write-ups should be unique and unpublished work. The works will be checked for plagiarism and plagiarized ideas will be disqualified for participation in the final stage.
The Evaluators and judges will not be the same person for the sake of the participants’ multi-disciplinary ideas. Impacts on society will be the major factor to categorize the ideas. Moreover, idea design and usability, simplicity, cost-effectiveness, originality will play a vital role to evaluate the ideas to measure its impacts to fight against the pandemic at this post-COVID condition.
Date and Time
- Start time: 11 Aug 2020 10:00 PM
- End time: 15 Aug 2020 11:59 PM
- All times are (GMT+06:00) Asia/Dacca
Add Event to Calendar
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology
- Natore, Rajshahi
- Bangladesh 6431
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
Md Abdul Al Azmain
Vice-Chair (Events and Activity), IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh
- Co-sponsored by IEEE Young Professionals
The idea contest aims to promote practical, cost-effective, and innovative solutions for developing countries to manage the economical, social, and psychological well-being of people. This contest will provide life-saving technological or non-technological methods that can be implemented in both urban and rural areas.
Top five solutions based on their technical, social, and financial impacts on society selected by the judging panel will get recognition and the best idea will receive a grant worth $500 for the incubation of their idea, for the development of their prototypes, and advice for obtaining funds.