Metodologías ágiles de gestión & Scrum

#IEEE #Rama #de #Estudiantes #UNED #Agile #Scrum


El próximo jueves 20 de agosto de 2020 a las 18:00, se va a desarrollar la sesión Metodologías ágiles de gestión & Scrum.

Metodologías ágiles para gestión de proyectos. ¿Cómo y por qué surgieron? Comparación con metodologías tradicionales waterfall. Scrum, principios básicos. Scrum Roles, Artifacts y Eventos. SafeScrum y Story Mapping. Ejemplos de aplicación a un proyecto real. Certificaciones Agiles.

Este evento es organizado desde la UNED, liderado por su Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Emprendimiento, en combinación con la Rama de Estudiantes del IEEE de la UNED, se desarrollará una nueva actividad con la participación de los estudiantes que pertenecen a la Rama, en colaboración con otros Vicerrectorados de la UNED (Investigación e Internacionalización, Centros Asociados), el Centro Asociado de Madrid en su sede de Las Tablas, las Escuelas de Ingenieros Industriales, Informáticos y la Facultad de Ciencias (Matemáticas, Físicas, Químicas y Medio Ambiente), el Proyecto de Innovación Docente (PID) para Grupos de Innovación Docente (GID) de la UNED, GID2016-17 "Laboratorios de STEM y robótica educativa para la mejora de la experiencia del estudiante – STEM‐SEC", el Capítulo Español de la Sociedad de Educación del IEEE y Plaza Robótica.

Os esperamos.

Reciba un cordial saludo,

La Rama de Estudiantes del IEEE en la UNED.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 20 Aug 2020
  • Time: 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Torrejón de Ardoz, Madrid
  • Spain

  • Contact Event Host
  • Co-sponsored by Plaza Robotica
  • Starts 16 July 2020 03:41 PM
  • Ends 20 August 2020 05:45 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
  • No Admission Charge


Alfonso Vara Alfonso Vara of CAF SIGNALLING




R&D Project Manager involved in the concept, specification, design, integration, testing and delivery of ERTMS - European Rail Traffic Management System and CBTC - Communication Based Train Control products.

With high standard Technical and Management Skills, I balance both aspects as required to deliver projects. On one side, I contribute with my technical knowledge. On the other I manage and support cross functional teams to obtain best performance within cost, time and quality constraints.

On the technical side, I have 15-20 years experience in all aspects: software development, testing, validation, specification/design and engineering-delivery of ETCS, CBTC and railways signalling projects and products. I am Chartered Engineer by IMECHE.

On the management side, I have 10 years experience managing high performance teams. As Scrum Master I have implemented Scrum on 2 different companies and several different teams with very good results. Furthermore I hold different Project Management certifications such as PMI ACP (Agile Certified PM), PMP (Project Management Profesional), APMP, PRINCE2 and others which allow me to Tailor management to the needs of the project.

Fluent in English and Spanish; with Intermediate French level. Also worked in international standardization projects such as Shift2Rail.

Always focus on learning new technologies, techniques and skills to improve and keep up to date professionally. Pro-active, pragmatic, creative and deliver focus.

For the future, always open to explore new challenges on future railways digitalization and technologies such as ERTMS, CBTC, AI, Automation and others.


  • Agile Methodologies – Agile vs Waterfall
  • Scrum Basics
  • Scrum Roles
  • Scrum Events
  • Scrum Artefacts
  • Safe Scrum
  • Story Mapping Technique
  • Scrum and Agile application to a real project
  • Certifications and Resources