Webinar on "Importance of Quality Research and Publication for Students and Research Scholars"


Webinar on the topic “Importance of Quality Research and Publication for Students and Research Scholars”, on 8th July 2020 was organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in association with IEEE SVIT Student Chapter. The Speaker for the webinar was Dr. Srikanth S Thangade, Asst. Professor, School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Reva University, Bangalore.


More than 260 participants were registered for the webinar and more than 120 Participants actively participated from various Industry professionals/ Faculty members/ Research scholars/ students from many reputed institutions have witnessed the webinar. The webinar is started at 4:30 PM with formal Welcome for the speaker, Dr. Srikanth S Thangade by Dr. Venkatesha M, Branch Counselor-IEEE SVIT student branch, Associate Professor, Department of ECE. Followed by a brief introduction about the speaker was given by Mr. Sourabh Bhat, Student Secretary, IEEE-SVIT student branch.

Dr. Srikanth S Thangade has shared his experience and views on how to do research, quality publications, the importance of research, and how to be a successful researcher with all the participants. The session was very informative and has motivated many young students and research scholars. The feedback form was shared to all the participants at the end of the session we received more than 115 feedback forms and E-certificate was sent to all the registered participants.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 08 Jul 2020
  • Time: 10:30 AM UTC to 12:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Bangalore, Karnataka
  • India 560064

  • Contact Event Host
  • Sourabh V Bhat,



Dr. Shrikant Tangade Dr. Shrikant Tangade of REVA University


Importance of Quality Research and Publication for Students and Research Scholars


Dr. Shrikant Tangade is a Senior IEEE Member, he is currently MDC Chair & SAC Mentor, IEEE Bangalore Section; SAC Ambassador, IEEE Asia-Pacific R10-2020. He was also Chair, IEEE SAC-2019, Co-Chair-IEEE SAC-2018, & IEEE REVA University Student Branch Counselor-2016 to 2019. He is working as an Assistant Professor with School of ECE, REVA University, since 2011. He has two years of research experience in IISc. He is Secretary of IEEE Standard P1920.2 Working Group. He has selected for “BMW Summer School-2016” at Munich, Germany. He
has published two papers in IEEE Transactions, one in Elsevier Journal, and 24 papers in IEEE International and National Conferences. His research interests include Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, WSNs, and optical networks. He is the recipient of "Best Researcher of REVA University-2018 and 2019", “Outstanding
IEEE Branch Counselor-2017” by IEEE Global & Bangalore Section. He is a member of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and TEMS.



The event was organised with a vision to to make the students and the research scholars are aware about various publications which do not comply with the international standards. it also made an impact on the need for choosing research as a career. It also was intended to choose the publications wisely. 


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