Workshop on Improving Scientific Writing
IEEE Young Professional affinity group of IEEE Bangladesh Section presents a workshop on “Improving Scientific Writing”. The workshop will be held on 26th September 2020 (Saturday). Prof. Kristin Sainani, Stanford University will deliver an interactive session, and we will feature pre-recorded lecture videos from the “Writing in the Sciences” course offered by Stanford Online.
All Participants are encouraged to enroll in Stanford Online or Coursera to follow the course materials prior to the workshop. Participants who already completed the Writing in the Sciences course are encouraged to join the live session only.
For attending the live session, participants will be asked to participate in a quiz to verify that they went through the materials for the workshop.
Registration is free for the event. If we reach capacity in registration, we might prioritize IEEE members for allowing in the interactive session and request everyone else to attend a live streaming session.
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Oct 2020
- Time: 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+06:00) Asia/Dacca
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Kristin Sainani
Kristin Sainani (née Cobb) is an associate professor at Stanford University and also a health and science writer. After receiving an MS in statistics and a PhD in epidemiology from Stanford University, she studied science writing at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has taught statistics and writing at Stanford for more than a decade and has received several Excellence in Teaching Awards from the graduate program in epidemiology. Dr. Sainani writes about science and health for a range of audiences. She authored the health column Body News for Allure magazine for a decade. She is also the statistical editor for the journal Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; and she authors a statistics column, Statistically Speaking, for this journal.
Address:Stanford Universtiy, , Stanford, California, United States, 94305