Getting started with Graphics designing
With the sole purpose to provide a platform to the student members for sharing their expertise with others, Silver Oak University IEEE Student Branch has launched a continuous learning program "CoEdunate: Together We Learn" exclusively for the SB members.
We're here with the third event under this program, "Getting started with Graphics designing" By this workshop participants will get the beginner to advance level of knowledge of Adobe Photoshop CC and Adobe Illustrator CC from scratch.
This 5 days workshop will be conducted by our SB members and a day will be given for project work on designing to the participants for their evaluation of this 5-days learning. Additionally, the students will be provided with the E-Certificates for participating in this workshop.
Event Details:
Topic: Photoshop and Illustrator
Date: 24th - 28th September, 2020
Timings: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Date and Time
- Start time: 24 Sep 2020 04:30 PM
- End time: 28 Sep 2020 06:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- Ahmedabad, Gujarat
- India
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CoEdunate Poster | 315.36 KiB | |
Event Poster | 450.08 KiB |