Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) at ERK 2020 session CS.1
About the encompasing event:
29th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2020
The ERK 2020 conference will be held on September 21-22, 2020 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian.
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Sep 2020
- Time: 01:30 PM to 03:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+01:00) CET
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- Congress Center Bernardin
- Portorož, Slovenia
- Slovenia
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by IEEE Slovenia Section; Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana; and other Slovenian professional societies
Računalništvo in informatika / Computer and Information Science
CS.1 Računska inteligenca / Computational Intelligence
21.09.2020 ob/at 13:30 v/in E
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
1. Ekstrakcija ključnih besed filmov iz podnapisov / Keyword extraction from movie subtitles
Popič Jan, FERI, Uni Mb
Ornik Timi, FERI, Uni Mb
Planer Nejc, FERI, Uni Mb
Bošković Borko, FERI, Uni Mb
Brest Janez, FERI, Uni Mb
2. Diferencialna evolucija za učenje agenta umetne inteligence pri igranju splošnih videoiger / Differential Evolution for Artificial Inteligence Agent Learning in General Video Game Playing
Zamuda Aleš, FERI, Uni Mb
Vöröš Matjaž, FERI, Uni Mb
3. Uporaba metod strojnega učenja za analizo vpliva lipoproteinov (a) na bolezni srca in ožilja / Using machine learning methods to evaluate lipoprotein (a) and its impact on cardiovascular diseases
Bogovič Tajda, FERI, Uni Mb
Kokol Peter, FERI, Uni Mb
Završnik Tadej, UKC, Mb
Završnik Jernej, ZD, Mb
Blažun Vošner Helena, ZD, Mb
Šuran David, UKC, Mb
4. Pregled nekaterih metod na področju analize časovnih vrst / Overview of some methods in the field of time series analysis
Stržinar Žiga, FE, Uni Lj
Pregelj Boštjan, FE, Uni Lj
Škrjanc Igor, FE, Uni Lj