Lecture on "Controller Design Using FSM"
A lecture on FSMs, their importance in the field of VLSI and applications was delivered by Ms N Dhanalakshmi, Associate Professor, ECE Department, VNRVJIET.
Ms Dhanalakshmi started with an interesting real time example in order to relate it to the importance of FSM, she gave an analogy of the game "Connect the dots" that we played during our childhood to show the role of Finite State Machines (FSM).
Not stopping there, she also gave analogies for combinational and sequential circuits by taking daily life scenarios.
Then the speaker moved on to the state diagrams, the important of states and the types of FSM i.e., Mealy and Moore Machines.
The different use cases of FSM like elevators, traffic lights, vending machines, combinational locks and robotics was given.
The process of state reduction was explained with an example followed by the sequence detector explanation with few password sequences.
The speaker finally took an example of Robotic ant stuck in a maze to explain the flow of designing a real time finite state machine.
Date and Time
- Date: 12 Jun 2020
- Time: 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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Ms N Dhanalakshmi of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology
Controller design using Finite State Machines
Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE
Teaching Interests: Switching Theory and logic Design - Digital signal processing Microprocessors & interfacing - Digital Image Processing Microcontrollers & Applications - DSP processors & Architectures Digital Design through VERILOG HDL - EDA Tools Linear Integrated Circuits - Digital Integrated Circuits Computer Organization - CPLD & FPGA architectures and applications.
The purpose of this lecture was to establish a clear understanding of finite state machine and its importance in VLSI applications.
The participation count was around 40, maintaining the consistency as the previous sessions from 3 different colleges consisting of both IEEE and non-IEEE members.
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