“Adaptive Intelligence : Machines vs Humans” Meet the Young Professional: Azfar Adib
IEEE YP Bangladesh presents Meet the Young Professional webinar Series. Each week we invite a senior young professional who shares his/her current technical / research work, career path and prospects.
Date and Time
- Date: 31 Oct 2020
- Time: 09:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+06:00) Astana
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Azfar Adib
“Adaptive Intelligence : Machines vs Humans”
Azfar Adib
Leadership Facilitator & PhD Student
Dept of ECE, Concordia University, Canada
Azfar completed his B.Sc. Eng from EEE Dept, BUET and MBA from IBA,DU in Dhaka. He is currently pursuing PhD in Dept of ECE, Concordia University, Montreal. He is also a leadership workshop facilitator for the university’s graduate students. His current research interests include smart health-based biometrics, bi-directional learning between human & machines.
His hobbies include writing, public speaking, biking, reading and travelling.
Address:United States