“MRI Safety Assessment for Implantable Medical Devices” Meet the Young Professional: Dr. Chamok Hasan
IEEE YP Bangladesh presents Meet the Young Professional webinar Series. Each week we invite a senior young professional who shares his/her current technical / research work, career path and prospects.
Date and Time
- Date: 14 Nov 2020
- Time: 09:00 PM to 10:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+06:00) Astana
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Dr. Chamok Hasan
MRI Safety Assessment for Implantable Medical Devices
Dr. Chamok Hasan
R&D Engineer II
Boston Scientific Neuromodulation,
Valencia, California, USA
Dr. Chamok Hasan completed his B.Sc. Enggfrom Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology and PhD in EEE from University of South Carolina. He currently works in Boston Scientific Corporation, a leading medical device manufacturer. His research interests include MRI RF safety, electronically steerable antennas, and wideband Metasurfaces. Hishobbies include teaching math online, popularizing science, and composing music.
Address:California, United States