IEEE Graduation Stole Program
Register in vTools
To facilitate and promote relationship and membership in graduating IEEE members from affiliated Student Branches, the IEEE Houston Section is offering the Stole Program. The cost of the stole is $40 USD.
Take a picture during the Commencement Ceremony wearing the stole (make sure IEEE insignia is visible).
Post your photo on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and tag @IEEE Houston Section
To get your IEEE stole, simply,
1. Register via vTools by May 31st, 2021.
You must enter your member number
2. There are three payment options during registration:
Option A: Have the stole shipped to your university ($5 shipping fee)
Option B: Have the stole shipped to your home address ($5 shipping fee)
Note: There are only 70 Stoles available for the entire section, so this is a first come first serve program.
Deadline: For delivery the deadline is unitl all stoles are sold.
Make sure you take a lot of pictures at the commencement ceremony
Questions? Contact Christopher Sanderson at christopher.b.sanderson@ieee.
Date and Time
- Start time: 02 Jun 2021 10:00 PM UTC
- End time: 04 Jun 2021 05:00 PM UTC
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 02 June 2021 05:00 AM UTC
- Ends 04 June 2021 05:00 PM UTC
- Admission fee ?
- Menu: Shipped to university (You must enter your member number), Shipped to home address (You must enter your member number)