Three Days Workshop on Emerging Trends in Biomedical and MEMS Sensor Technologies

#MEMS #Medical #Diagnostics,Microsensor #Arrays #Internet #of #Things #(M-IoT)

The workshop on the emerging trends in biomedical and Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor technologies aims to deliver advancements in the field of MEMS/Nanotechnology for biomedical applications. MEMS is a process technology used to create tiny integrated devices or systems that combine mechanical and electrical components. They are fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) batch processing techniques and can range in size from a few micrometers to millimeters. These devices (or systems) have the ability to sense, control and actuate on the micro scale, and generate effects on the macro scale. Bridging the gap between biological science, medicine and engineering, the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering is changing the way we interact with the world. Nanotechnology and its applications in several sectors specially in medicine for diagnoses.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 17 Dec 2020 04:30 AM UTC
  • End time: 19 Dec 2020 07:00 AM UTC
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • ➢ Dr. Venkatesha M, Associate Professor /ECE & Branch Counsellor IEEE SVIT SB
    Ph: 8971137161
    Email ID:
    ➢ Mr. Sourabh V Bhat, Student Secretary, IEEE SVIT SB
    Ph: 9482534091
    Email ID:

  • Co-sponsored by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sai Vidya Institute of Technology


The Workshop introduces fundamental concepts of MEMS Sensor. It also covers an overview of MEMS and their applications. The main agenda of our Workshop are:

*  MEMS Engineered Human Organ Mimicry Devices: Breaking the Barrier in Medical Diagnostics

* To expose the participants in emerging technologies in the areas of MEMS.

* To understand how to solve real world problems using MEMS

• Evolution of Nanotechnology: Application, Challenges and Opportunities
• MEMS and Sensors: Fabrication Challenges, Applications
• Microsensor Arrays for Bioanalysis in Biofluids
• Medical Internet of Things (M-IoT): Prospects and Challenges

Detailed Schedule and Speaker Details: 

Speaker Details

Topic Name

Session Date and time

Dr. K.Yellareswara Rao.

Faculty in Physics,

B.S & H Department,

Vignan's Institute of Information Technology (VIIT),

Duvvada, Vishakapatnam, India

Solid State Thin Film Micro Batteries

17th Dec 2020


10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Dr. P. Chinnamuthu

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (NIT Agartala),
Post - Doctorate:From National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) Japan

Evolution of Nanotechnology: Application, Challenges and Opportunities

17th Dec 2020


11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Dr. Koushik Guha

Senior Member of IEEE

Asst. Professor (Grade-I), Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Assoc. Dean of Students Welfare & Nodal Officer of Scholarships,

National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam-788010 (An Institution of National Importance under Govt. of India)


MEMS Engineered Human Organ Mimicry Devices: Breaking the Barrier in Medical Diagnostics

18th Dec 2020


10:00 AM  to 12:30 PM

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Shukla, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher

BIOS Lab-on-a-chip Group

MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands

Microsensor Arrays for Bioanalysis in Biofluids

19th Dec 2020

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Dr. Akash Kumar Bhoi

Assistant Professor (Research)/
(R&D Faculty Associate)

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT), Sikkim Manipal University (SMU),

Majitar, Rangpo, E - Sikkim, India

Medical Internet of Things
(M-IoT): Prospects and Challenges

19th Dec 2020

11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

 General Instructions: 

➢ The Faculty members of the AICTE approved Institutions, Research Scholars, PG Scholars, Students and Faculty of host Institutions are also eligible to attend the program.
➢ Maximum 100 participants may be allowed to attend online Workshop on a first come first serve basis.
➢ E-certificate will be issued to those participants who have attended the program with minimum 80% Attendance and it is Mandatory to fill the Feedback form floated at the end of each session.

➢ Registration for all the participants is mandatory.
➢ All the participants are kindly requested to register for this Workshop through online by visiting

Registration Fee

➢ There is no registration fee for the participants.

Contact Details:

➢ Dr. Venkatesha M, Associate Professor /ECE & Branch Counsellor IEEE SVIT SB
Ph: 8971137161
Email ID:
➢ Ms. Nayana K, Assistant Professor/ECE
Ph: 90358 66401
Email ID:
➢ Mr. Darshan R V, Assistant Professor/ECE
Ph: 81972 99636
Email ID:
➢ Ms. Bina R, Student Chair ,IEEE SVIT SB
Email ID:
➢ Mr. Sourabh V Bhat, Student Secretary, IEEE SVIT SB
Ph: 9482534091
Email ID: