Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting was held online via Zoom on December 14th, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM IST.
IEEE CIS Members Present:
- Prof. Nishchal K. Verma
- Prof. Vrijendra Singh
- Prof. R. K. Misra
- Dr. Sujeet Mishra
- Dr. Rahul K. Sevakula
- Ms. Teena Sharma
- Ms. Sonal Dixit
- Dr. Aparna Dixit
Next Meeting: To be announced through email.
Minutes Prepared By: Ms. Teena Sharma and Ms. Sonal Dixit
The meeting was adjourned with a vote of thanks at 07:00 PM IST.
Date and Time
- Date: 14 Dec 2020
- Time: 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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- Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
- India
Welcome and Announcements: Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Secretary welcomed all the members present in the meeting.
Agenda Item #1: Ratification of minutes of the previous meeting.
Discussion: The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Ms. Teena Sharma. Chairman asked about the status of communication with Prof. Bezdek. Dr. Aparna Dixit informed that Prof. Bezdek has told that he will not be able to travel the next year in 2021 due to pandemic. Chairman suggested in this case, we can plan to organize an online event where Prof. Bezdek can be invited.
Action Item: Dr. Aparna Dixit agreed that she will draft an email for an invitation to Prof. Bezdek and it will be circulated among the ExCom members for their suggestions. Next, with the consent of members present in the meeting, the minutes were approved.
Agenda Item #2: Proposal to organize a series of IEEE CIS Expert Lecture Series
Discussion: Chairman proposed to conduct a series of expert lectures in the interest of promoting activities of CIS. Dr. Aparna Dixit took initiative to take the responsibility of organizing the lecture series. All ExCom have expressed their interest to deliver the lecture in their area of expertise. Dr. Aparna Dixit informed that she would communicate with all members and schedule lectures. Further, the discussion was held to reach wider audience by emailing and contacting local as well as other colleges. Dr. Aparna Dixit suggested contacting local chapters as well as other colleges to inform about the lecture series. Vice Chairman suggested drafting an invitation page/mail with a tentative series title, date, and time along with Zoom link which can be circulated as well as displayed on the chapter’s webpage.
Action Item: Dr. Aparna Dixit gave her consent to plan the event schedule and invitation email within two days.
Agenda Item #3: Discussion on Executive Office Bearer Body for the year 2021.
Discussion: Few names for new office bearers were suggested by ExCom members present in the meeting. Suggested names were as follows:
- Chairman - Prof. Vrijendra Singh, IIIT Allahabad, India
- Vice Chairman - Dr. Sujeet Mishra, Indian Railways
- Vice Chairman - Prof. R. K. Misra, IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India
- Secretary - Prof. Nishchal K. Verma, IIT Kanpur, India
- Joint Secretary - (To be decided)
- Treasurer - Ms. Teena Sharma, IIT Kanpur, India
- Convener, CIS Membership Activities - (To be decided)
- Vice Convener, CIS Membership Activities - (To be decided)
- Convener, CIS Student Activities - (To be decided)
- Vice Convener, CIS Student Activities - (To be decided)
- Convener, CIS Professional Activities - (To be decided)
- Vice Convener, CIS Professional Activities - (To be decided)
- Convener, CIS workshop/ conference Activities - (To be decided)
- Vice Convener, CIS workshop/ conference Activities - (To be decided)
Action Item: The office bearers for the rest of the positions are to be decided by ExCom members. ExCom members were requested to suggest their nominations for the positions.