IEEE Region 4: Current Status of Quantum Computing

#Computer #Society #Quantum #Computing

You may have heard of quantum computing and how it will revolutionize computing as we know it by being able to do computations in a parallel fashion and not be constrained by the binary states of 0 and 1.  Quantum computing was first mentioned more than 15 years ago as theoretical research and something that was done in a physics lab.  Now, there are quantum computing companies and the quantum computing industry is poised to surge very rapidly, as Google claimed quantum supremacy that was able to use their quantum computer to beat a classical computer with a classical problem.  But what is the current status of quantum computing and is it ready for use?  

We have invited Chuck Eastom who is a Distinguished Lecturer in the IEEE Computer Society who will shed light on the current status of quantum computing.  This talk begins with a brief overview of quantum computing, including essential concepts and historical milestones. Then current research is discussed. This includes work in quantum key distribution, quantum proof cryptography, and quantum information. The current status of developments in quantum computing are covered. This means this talk is updated every time it is given.


  Date and Time




  • Date: 24 Feb 2021
  • Time: 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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  • Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Chicago
  • Starts 28 January 2021 02:00 PM
  • Ends 24 February 2021 02:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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Dr Chuck Easttom Dr Chuck Easttom


Current Status of Quantum Computing

This talk begins with a brief overview of quantum computing, including essential concepts and historical milestones. Then current research is discussed. This includes work in quantum key distribution, quantum proof cryptography, and quantum information. The current status of developments in quantum computing are covered. This means this talk is updated every time it is given.


Dr. Chuck Easttom is the author of 29 books, including several on computer security, forensics, and cryptography. His books are used at over 60 universities. He has also authored scientific papers on digital forensics, cyber warfare, cryptography, and applied mathematics. He is an inventor with 17 computer science patents. He holds a Doctor of Science in cyber security (dissertation topic: a study of lattice-based cryptographic algorithms for post quantum computing) and three master’s degrees (one in applied computer science, one in education, and one in systems engineering). He is currently working on a second doctorate in a bit of a different field: bioengineering and nanotechnology (dissertation topic “The effects of nonlinear dynamics on nanotechnology and bioengineering”), due to complete in spring 2020. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM (Association of Computing Machinery), and a member of IACR (International Association of Cryptological Research) and INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering). He is also a Distinguished Speaker of the ACM and a frequent speaker at conferences. He is a reviewer for six scientific journals including IEEE Open Access and the Editor in Chief for the American Journal of Science and Engineering. He has taught in a variety of settings and is current an adjunct professor for University of Dallas and Georgetown University. Dr. Easttom has also been active in IEEE standards groups