Webinar on “Mathematical Formulation and Application of Kernel Tensor Decomposition Based Unsupervised Feature Extraction”
Dear Members,
Greetings from IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) Bangalore Chapter!
IEEE Information Theory Society (ITS) Bangalore Chapter in association with IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Mysore Subsection is organizing Webinar on “Mathematical Formulation and Application of Kernel Tensor Decomposition Based Unsupervised Feature Extraction” on 15th February 2021 @ 3.00 PM (IST).
Prof. Y-h. Taguchi
Professor, Department of Physics,
Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.
Webinar Series is free to IEEE/Non-IEEE Members, however Registration is mandatory. Kindly register at : http://bit.ly/2NOWfQu
Meeting Link will be shared to all registered members.
Attendees of this Webinar will have the opportunity to earn “E-Certificate”
We invite academicians and Faculty/PG/UG students to participate in this event.
We solicit enthusiastic responses from your institution.
Dr. Parameshachari B D
Chair, IEEE Information Theory Society Bangalore Chapter
Prof. & Head, Dept. of TCE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru
Date and Time
- Date: 15 Feb 2021
- Time: 09:30 AM UTC to 10:30 AM UTC
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Prof. Y-h. Taguchi of Professor, Department of Physics, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan.