Consultants Network of San Diego: ‘Engineering the Future in the post-COVID era’ - S. K. Ramesh

#San #Diego #IEEE #Consultants' #Network #Learning #Technology #Trends #post #COVID

Monday, March 8, 2021

‘Engineering the Future in the post-COVID era’

S. K. Ramesh, Ph.D., Fellow IEEE

We are witnessing an extraordinary test of the human spirit the past few months as governments and institutions worldwide take steps to protect people and prevent the spread of the global pandemic resulting from COVID-19. The world as we knew it has changed; forever. IEEE’s mission of “Advancing Technology for Humanity” has never been more relevant.

 As we all work to learn the impacts on our global economy, two constants remain certain—innovation, and economic development, will remain critical drivers of regional and human success. Organizations like IEEE will play a vital role in this redeveloped world. With the switch to telework and telehealth, the technologies created by IEEE members are clearly making a difference, and will continue to play an important role in the new world economy when we emerge from this pandemic. IEEE has the power to support our members worldwide, and hold our profession together during these uncertain times.


Programs such as EPICS in IEEE, and IEEE’s Humanitarian Activities bring together students, NGO’s, and professionals to address challenges in their local communities through innovative technological solutions. This presentation will address the vast resources available through IEEE and the IEEE Learning Network ( to keep our members connected, engaged, and supported – as we ‘Engineer the Future’ together in a post-COVID world.



S. K. Ramesh
Director, AIMS2 program, and
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
California State University, Northridge, USA

S. K. Ramesh is a renowned engineering educator with over three decades of leadership experience as a dean, department chair, and faculty member in the California State University system. He is presently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at California State University, Northridge, and founding Director of CSU Northridge’s internationally recognized AIMS2 program ( that mentors and supports Latino/Latina students and underrepresented minorities in engineering. Earlier, he served as dean of CSUN’s College of Engineering and Computer Science from 2006-17. The programs he established serve industry practitioners in high wage, high demand fields, including renewable energy, assistive technology, and advanced manufacturing.

Dr. Ramesh has been an active IEEE volunteer for 39 years and has served in several leadership roles on the IEEE Board of Directors, IEEE-HKN Board of Governors, ABET Board of Directors, and as IEEE’s representative on the ABET Board of Delegates. As 2016-17 Vice President of Educational Activities, he championed collaboration, diversity, and inclusive excellence, through innovative programs like the IEEE Learning Network (ILN). IEEE-HKN (the Electrical Engineering Honor Society) expanded to serve all ten Regions of IEEE under his leadership as the 2016 IEEE-HKN President.

Ramesh is an IEEE Fellow recognized for “contributions to entrepreneurship in engineering education”, and his research interests cover high-speed optical communication systems, devices, and electronic circuit design. His many recognitions include the John Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year, William Johnson International award for leadership and contributions to the profession, and the IEEE Region 6 Community Service award. For additional information please see:

  Date and Time




  • Date: 09 Mar 2021
  • Time: 02:00 AM UTC to 03:30 AM UTC
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  • (Virtual Meeting) San Diego, California
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  • Contact Event Host
  • Al Ramirez ,, 619.987.2109

    J.P. Tenore,, 714.317.2838

  • Starts 18 February 2021 04:02 AM UTC
  • Ends 09 March 2021 04:00 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


S. K. Ramesh, Ph.D, IEEE Fellow S. K. Ramesh, Ph.D, IEEE Fellow


S. K. Ramesh
Director, AIMS2 program, and
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
California State University, Northridge, USA

S. K. Ramesh is a renowned engineering educator with over three decades of leadership experience as a dean, department chair, and faculty member in the California State University system. He is presently a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at California State University, Northridge, and founding Director of CSU Northridge’s internationally recognized AIMS2 program ( that mentors and supports Latino/Latina students and underrepresented minorities in engineering. Earlier, he served as dean of CSUN’s College of Engineering and Computer Science from 2006-17. The programs he established serve industry practitioners in high wage, high demand fields, including renewable energy, assistive technology, and advanced manufacturing.

Dr. Ramesh has been an active IEEE volunteer for 39 years and has served in several leadership roles on the IEEE Board of Directors, IEEE-HKN Board of Governors, ABET Board of Directors, and as IEEE’s representative on the ABET Board of Delegates. As 2016-17 Vice President of Educational Activities, he championed collaboration, diversity, and inclusive excellence, through innovative programs like the IEEE Learning Network (ILN). IEEE-HKN (the Electrical Engineering Honor Society) expanded to serve all ten Regions of IEEE under his leadership as the 2016 IEEE-HKN President.

Ramesh is an IEEE Fellow recognized for “contributions to entrepreneurship in engineering education”, and his research interests cover high-speed optical communication systems, devices, and electronic circuit design. His many recognitions include the John Guarrera Engineering Educator of the Year, William Johnson International award for leadership and contributions to the profession, and the IEEE Region 6 Community Service award. For additional information please see:


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SD IEEE Consultants' Network: 'Engineering the Future in the Post-COVID Era'
Monday, March 8, 2021
6:00 PM  |  (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)  |  2 hrs


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San Diego IEEE Consultants' Network Meeting Date and Time:

March 8, 2021 (Monday)
6:00 - 7:00 pm – Presentation
7:00 – 7:30 pm – Introductions and Announcements