Webinar: Energía Fotovoltaica, Almacenamiento y Flexibilidad: El Futuro de las Empresas de Distribución
This talk will present and discuss the different challenges of PV-rich communities, the role of adequately controlling storage to create more flexibility, and the vision, potential future roles, and challenges to ensure the transition to DSOs.
Date: Wednesday 14/07/2021
Time: 18:00h Perú/Colombia (GMT-5)
Details: Our virtual webinar is FREE and it will be done in the Spanish language.
Abstract: Australia has currently the largest residential photovoltaic (PV) penetration in the world, with more than 1 in 5 houses with the technology. Battery storage systems are also becoming attractive as they allow storing excess PV generation during the day to use it later at night. However, PV-rich communities will pose significant technical and economic challenges on distribution networks - but also some opportunities. For this PV-rich future to thrive, more intelligent, flexible electricity networks, also known as Smart Grids, are likely to play an important role. But for Smart Grids to emerge, the traditional distribution companies needs to evolve into an engaged, flexible Distribution System Operator (DSO) in which network elements and participants (consumers, generators, and those that do both) are actively managed to fulfill technical, economic, and environmental objectives. This talk will present and discuss the different challenges of PV-rich communities, the role of adequately controlling storage to create more flexibility, and the vision, potential future roles, and challenges to ensure the transition to DSOs.
Date and Time
- Date: 14 Jul 2021
- Time: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Lima
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- Melbourne, Victoria
- Australia
- Starts 02 March 2021 10:44 PM
- Ends 14 July 2021 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-05:00) Lima
- No Admission Charge
Prof. Dr. Luís (Nando) Ochoa of The University of Melbourne
Energía Fotovoltaica, Almacenamiento y Flexibilidad: El Futuro de las Empresas de Distribución
Abstract: Australia has currently the largest residential photovoltaic (PV) penetration in the world, with more than 1 in 5 houses with the technology. Battery storage systems are also becoming attractive as they allow storing excess PV generation during the day to use it later at night. However, PV-rich communities will pose significant technical and economic challenges on distribution networks - but also some opportunities. For this PV-rich future to thrive, more intelligent, flexible electricity networks, also known as Smart Grids, are likely to play an important role. But for Smart Grids to emerge, the traditional distribution companies needs to evolve into an engaged, flexible Distribution System Operator (DSO) in which network elements and participants (consumers, generators, and those that do both) are actively managed to fulfill technical, economic, and environmental objectives. This talk will present and discuss the different challenges of PV-rich communities, the role of adequately controlling storage to create more flexibility, and the vision, potential future roles, and challenges to ensure the transition to DSOs.
Professor of Smart Grids and Power Systems at The University of Melbourne, Australia and part-time Professor of Smart Grids at The University of Manchester (former UMIST), UK. I am an IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer since 2015 and an IEEE Senior Member since 2012. From 2007 to 2010 I was a Research Fellow in Energy Systems at the University of Edinburgh, UK. In 2010 I also undertook an industrial secondment with the Edinburgh-based company Psymetrix Ltd (now part of GE). I hold a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering received from UNI (Peru), and a Research MSc and a PhD in Electrical Power Engineering, both received from UNESP Ilha Solteira (Brazil). I am the co-author of 180+ research papers (list of publications and Research Gate) in peer-reviewed top-class international journals and conferences, 70+ technical reports, and the co-inventor of two patents, one filed by Psymetrix Ltd and one filed by The University of Melbourne.
Address:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Date: Wednesday 14/07/2021
Time: 18:00h Perú/Colombia (GMT-5)
Details: Our virtual webinar is FREE and it will be done in the Spanish language.
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Students: S/ 30.00 (Or USD $8.30)
IEEE Members: S/ 50.00 (Or USD $11.40)
General public: S/ 60.00 (Or USD $16.50)
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IEEE Power & Energy Society Peru