IEEE Connecticut Computer Society webinar Wedn Apr 21, 6:30pm

#Digital #Footprints #Free #Speech #Privacy #Propaganda

Dear IEEE-CT Members,


Please join us for the CS/SMCS/SSIT sponsored free webinar on Wedn April 21, 6:30-8pm:

Digital Footprints, Free Speech, Privacy and Propaganda

By Jim Isaak, IEEE-NH Chair



A look at the economic, technical and policy factors that affect the "Free" (ad supported) services on the Internet, how they track and profile individuals, target them for advertising, and some of the privacy, propaganda and policy issues that arise from this intersection of  big data, AI and our connected lives.

Individuals are encouraged to watch either the Netflix's "The Social Dilemma" and/or PBS "Hacking you Mind" before the event if possible, a more complete list of related resources is available at:


Jim's Bio:

Jim Isaak is retired from thirty years in the computer industry and a half dozen in academia.
He has been a volunteer leader in IEEE in operating system and web engineering standards, roles in the Computer Society including the 2010 President and Division 8 member of the IEEE Board of Directors. Jim was Vice President of the Society on the Social Implications of Technology, chair of the IEEE-USA Committee on Communications Policy and New Hampshire Section Chair.
All of which does not touch major areas of IEEE activity such as publishing thousands of peer reviewed papers every year, running three thousand technical conferences, or accrediting technology and engineering programs worldwide.
His recent focus has been on policy and programs addressing broadband access and the intersection of social media, privacy and artificial intelligence.




Hope to virtually see you there!



Amalia Rusu


(CS=Computer Society / Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society / SSIT= Society on the Social Implications of Technology)

  Date and Time




  • Date: 21 Apr 2021
  • Time: 10:30 PM UTC to 12:00 AM UTC
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  • Starts 05 April 2021 04:00 PM UTC
  • Ends 21 April 2021 10:30 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge