Austin-IEEE Joint Chapters bring VIRTUAL Distinguished Lecture event on “What's the Story with UAV Cellular Communications?”
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- IEEE Austin ComSoc & Signal Processing and Consumer Elec. Society Chapters (CH05005)
- IEEE Austin Computer & EMBS Joint Chapters (CH05006)
Supported by IEEE Communications Society NA Regional Board
The IEEE Austin Joint Societies' Chapters of ComSoc, Signal Processing, Consumer Electronics and EMBS and Computer are pleased to bring a Virtual Distinguished Lecture event on
“What's the Story with UAV Cellular Communications?”
May 13, 2021
Noon pm Central Time
WebEx (Dial-in information will be provided shortly)
Giovanni Geraci
Assistant Professor at University Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona,
Coordinator of the Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Network Engineering
What will it take for UAVs—and the associated ecosystem—to take off? Arguably, ubiquitous high-capacity links paired with hyper-reliable command and control all along. And indeed, meeting these aspirations may entail a full-blown mobile network support. While the understanding of UAV cellular communications has been advancing, many fundamental challenges remain to be addressed, with new applications demanding original solutions. In this talk, we blend academic and industrial views, navigating from 4G to 6G UAV use cases, requirements, and enabling technologies.
In this talk, we blend academic and industrial views, navigating from 4G to 6G UAV use cases, requirements, and enabling technologies.
I am an Assistant Professor at University Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, and the coordinator of the Bachelor's degree in Telecommunications Network Engineering. I was previously a Research Scientist with Nokia Bell Labs and hold a Ph.D. from UNSW Sydney. I also held research appointments at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, The University of Texas at Austin, CentraleSupelec, and Alcatel-Lucent.
I am a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society, an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and IEEE Communications Letters, and the Wireless Communications Symposium co-Chair for IEEE ICC’22. I am a frequent organizer of IEEE international workshops, have featured in over ten IEEE industry seminars, tutorials and workshop keynotes, and am co-Editor of the book “UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond” (Wiley – IEEE Press, 2020). I am co-inventor of a dozen patents, have written for the IEEE ComSoc Technology News, and received international press coverage.
I was awarded two of the most competitive early-career research fellowships in Spain: a “la Caixa” Junior Leader (2018-2021) and a “Ramon y Cajal” (2021-2026) Fellowship. I was named an Exemplary Reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications in 2017 and 2018. I received the Nokia Bell Labs Ireland Certificate of Outstanding Achievement in 2017, the IEEE Communications Society Outstanding Young Researcher Award for Europe, Middle-East, and Africa in 2018, and the IEEE PIMRC Best Paper Award in 2019.
About me: I like coffee, surprises, and living by the sea. Born and raised in Sicily, I have been living across six continents for work/love/adventure. I have been inspired by great mentors and colleagues, and consider myself privileged for the opportunities I was given.
If you have any question, please connect with Fawzi Behmann at, IEEE Chair of Joint Austin Chapters (ComSoc/SP/CESoc & Computer/EMBS)
Date and Time
- Date: 13 May 2021
- Time: 05:00 PM UTC to 06:30 PM UTC
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