Reliability and Resilience in Low-carbon Power Systems
Virtual distinguished lecture by Prof. Pierluigi Mancarella
Our understanding of the classical reliability concepts of security and adequacy is increasingly being challenged by: (a) growing shares of inverter-based resources and variable renewable energy technologies that call for new operation and planning approaches, particularly to deal with decreasing levels of inertia and system strength, larger reserve requirements, and increasing volumes of distributed energy resources that are not “visible” to the system operator; and (b) the more frequent occurrence of extreme, high-impact low-probability events (e.g., driven by climate change), with potentially catastrophic impacts.
In this IEEE PES Distinguished Lecture we will discuss how there is a need for introducing new analysis and modelling frameworks to deal with the increasing fragility of low-carbon grids and exposure to extreme events. The key desirable features of such frameworks will be presented for both operation and planning and from both technical and economic/commercial perspectives, along with metrics, methodologies and modelling tools that can help make future systems more secure, reliable and resilient.
The key question that will be asked is whether the grid should be made “stronger” (e.g., through component hardening), “bigger” (more redundant, through investment in new transmission/generation asset) or “smarter” (through new technologies and operational practices).
Besides different examples taken from the speaker’s several international projects in the area, the South Australia “Black System” event of September 2016, the Australian system separation event of August 2018, the UK demand disconnection event of August 2019, and the Texas power crisis of February 2021 will be taken as “textbook” case studies to practically illustrate some of the general concepts presented.
Date and Time
- Date: 20 May 2021
- Time: 05:30 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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- Charlotte, North Carolina
- United States
5:30 - 6:30 pm - Presentation
6:30 - 7:00 pm - Q&A