The 3D Smith Chart: From Theory to Experimental Reality
Topic: The 3D Smith Chart - From Theory to Experimental Reality
Presenter: Dr. Andrei A. Muller
The talk will present the theory and applications of the 3D Smith chart concept and tool. It will present the construction of the chart and its use of passive and active microwave circuit design. Active circuits with negative resistance are mapped in the south hemisphere of the chart (exterior of the classical Smith chart-extending to infinity in 2D) while the classical Smith chart is embodied in the North hemisphere. Circle shapes are kept intact while the matching problems become simple navigations towards the North Pole.
Further, the 3D space around the chart is used to spot the clockwise and counter-clockwise frequency sweeping orientation of various S parameters-allowing its use in negative capacitance and meta-material circuit use too.
The talk will show how one uses the 3D Smith Chart tool to solve
- classical Smith chart matching problems on latitude, longitude and various circles on the 3D Smith chart sphere- North hemisphere
- amplifier stability problems South& North hemisphere
- oscillator problems-South hemisphere
- negative capacitance
- complex-scalar optimization of various frequency-dependent parameters
The talk is based on the and articles listed below.
The registered participants of the talk can get access to the 3D Smith chart trial tool.
Selected publications
- Muller, et al.“The 3D Smith Chart: From Theory to Experimental Reality”, IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol 21, no 11, pp. 22-35 Nov. 2020.
- Mulleret al., 3D Smith charts scattering parameters frequency-dependent orientation analysis and complex-scalar multi-parameter characterization applied to Peano reconfigurable vanadium dioxide inductors, Nature Scientific Reports, 9, 18346, Dec. 2019.
- A Muller, E. Sanabria-Codesal, A. Moldoveanu, V. Asavei, S. Lucyszyn, “ Extended Capabilities of the 3D Smith chart with group delay and resonator quality factor” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 65, No. 1. pp. 10-19, Jan. 2017.
- Muller, S. Lucyszyn, 'Properties of purely reactive Foster and non-Foster passive networks'" IET Electronics Letters, vol. 51, no. 23 , pp. 1882-1884, Nov. 2015.
- Mulleret al., “Apollonius Unilateral Transducer Power Gain Circles on 3D Smith charts,” IET Electronics Letters, vol. 50 no. 21, pp. 1531-1533, Oct. 2014.
- Muller, P. Soto, D. Dascalu, and V.E. Boria, “The Practical Applications of the 3D Smith chart”, Microwave Journal, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 64-72, July 2012.
- Muller, P. Soto, D. Dascalu, D. Neculoiu and V.E. Boria, “A 3D Smith Chart based on the Riemann Sphere for Active and Passive Microwave Circuits,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 286- 288, June 2011
Date and Time
- Date: 18 Jun 2021
- Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+10:00) Sydney
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- Sydney, New South Wales
- Australia
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- Co-sponsored by Tainan Section Chapter, MTT17, Taipei Section Chapter, MTT17
Dr Andrei A. Muller
The 3D Smith Chart: From Theory to Experimental Reality
Dr. Andrei A. Muller (Scientist, Nanolab, EPFL-Lausanne Switzerland) received a M.Sc degree in Mobile and Satellite Communications while completing a Ph.D. in microwave engineering from the Politehnica University of Bucharest.
Andrei completed during his Ph.D. various stages (more than 2 years) at Technische Univ. Munchen, Germany, Carl- Emily Fuchs Institute, Pretoria, (South Africa) and in the Pure an Applied Maths Institute of PolitehnicaValencia-Spain.
Andrei did a Post-Doc in microwave filter design (2012) at Labsticc (CNRS research center) in Brest/ France and completed a 4 years PostDoc, Marie Curie Integration Grant (awarded by the European Commission-Marie Curie fellow) in the Telecommunication Institute (i-team) / Valencia/ Spain in SIW filter tunning (2013-2017).
Andrei received the Best Student Paper Award of the IEEE Electron Device Society, Romania for the article:“Membrane bandpass filter with a new controlled resonance in the stopband” in 2006 IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS). He also received the 3rd prize at the 2019 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS) (Boston, USA) for the 60 seconds video presentation: “A Novel Reconfigurable CMOS Compatible Ka Band Bandstop Structure Using Split-Ring Resonators and Vanadium Dioxide (VO2) Phase Change Switches”
Andrei received the Gheorghe Cartianu award (2013) from the Romanian Academy of Science for the 3D Smith chart concept article “A 3D Smith chart based on the Riemann Sphere for Active and Passive Microwave Circuits” published in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Letters.
In 2018 he became a Senior Member of IEEE and was one of the Outstanding Associate Editors of the IEEE Access Journal. He is a member of the MTT-S Society
Andrei authored or co-authored more than 30 articles in journals and 20+ conferences. Since September 2017, Andrei is a Scientist in the Nanolab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) working on phase change materials applications in microwave engineering.
Andrei launched with 3 friends the first 3D Smith chart tool in May 2017
The tool has various users from academia from 35+countires,
Address: Nanolab, , Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland