Invited Talk on "Microwave System to disintegrate the Corona Virus (COVID 19) ATULYA "by Prof. KP Ray
Title: Microwave System to disintegrate the Corona Virus (COVID 19) “ATULYA”
Presenter: Prof. K. P. Ray, Director School of Radar Technology and Head of the Dept of Electronics Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), DRDO, Pune
Date: 28th June 2021
Time: 5:00 p.m. IST
Registration Link:
Abstract of the talk:
Basic composition of COVID 19:
The morphology of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-related coronavirus is characteristic of the coronavirus family. The virus are large pleomorphic spherical particles with bulbous surface projections that form crown like structure and called as corona. Envelope of the virus in electron micrographs appears as a distinct pair of electron dense shells. The viral envelope consists of a lipid bilayer proteins namely spike (S), envelope (E),membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N). The S-protein allow the virus to attach to the membrane of the host cell. It contains the receptor binding domain with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Receptor-2 (ACE2).The E-protein is the smallest among all and inside it, nucleocapsid is formed to replicate all genetic information and allow to replicate multiple copies using positive sensed single- stranded RNA. The mass of SARS-CoV-2 is ~10 -17 kg and its diameter is 80-90 nm. It gets disintegrated above 56˚C.
Experiment performed:
Having known the composition of SARS-CoV-2, it is simulated for experimentation by the closest protein available. Microwave frequency of 2.45 GHz is chosen for experiments, as close to this frequency, the absorption of microwave energy in polar molecules (protein) is maximum. Secondly, highly cost effective Magnetrons, with varied high power, are available at this frequency. And finally, 2.45 GHz is internationally ISM band, unlike other two bands of 915 MHz and 5.2 GHz.
For performing experimentation, a magnetron based microwave generator with following parameters were chosen: Output power = 800 watts at 2.45 GHz and the volume of the cavity is 26 litres. This leads to power density inside the chamber of 0.03 watt/cc.
Several experiments were performed adjusting the time versus weight of the protein. It was found that in 20 seconds with approximately 780 watt output power, the temperature of 30 cc protein (30.9 gram with density of 1.03 gm/cc) rises to 95˚C. Microwave heating is volumetric, wherein heat is generated because of friction of polar molecules. Thus, unlike conventional surface heating, microwave heating is inside out. Here, uniform and rapid heating, ensures cent percent efficacy.
Though, at 56 ˚C the virus gets disintegrated, we went upto 95 ˚C . To further ascertain the efficacy of microwave processing, the NMR analysis was carried out on samples of bare protein and also of microwaved protein. The NMR plots for protein, before and after (untreated and treated) are analysed. It shows that the protein gets disintegrated after applying microwave.
With above experiments, proving the efficacy of microwave power to disintegrate equivalent protein, we designed a high power microwave sterilizer, which is described in brief as follows.
With above experiments, proving the efficacy of microwave power to disintegrate equivalent protein, we designed a high power microwave sterilizer, which is described in brief as follows.
System Description
The microwave sterilizer is designed and developed around 800W commercially available magnetron. The system can be divided into two broad categories; (a) Microwave Sub-system: It consists of high power microwave source and an aperture matched radiator and (b) Circuitries: The main circuit components are; Power supplies, control/interlock circuits and forced air cooling mechanism.
This hand held system was tested for human/operator safety. The radiation in the back direction is less than 0.08 mw/cm. Depending upon size and shape of various objects, time of sterilization is from 1-2 minutes.
Short bio of the Speaker: Dr. K. P. Ray is M. Tech in Microwave Electronics from University of Delhi and Ph D from Department of Electrical Engineering IIT, Bombay. Presently he is a Professor, Director School of Radar Technology and Head of the Dept of Electronics Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), DRDO, Pune. Prior to joining DIAT in 2016, he was the Programme Director of SAMEER (MeitY) Mumbai, wherein he joined SAMEER (TIFR) in 1985 and worked for over 31 years in the areas of Electromagnetics, RF and microwave systems/components and developed expertise in the design of antenna elements/arrays and high-power RF/microwave sources for RADAR, scientific and industrial applications. He has successfully executed over 50 projects sponsored by various Govt. agencies (DRDO/MOD, ISRO/DOS, DAE, DST/DSIR/TIFAC, Meity, DBT, IMD, BHEL, etc.) and many industries in the capacity of main designer, a chief investigator and a project manager, etc. Recently, he developed A Microwave Sterilizer, 'ATULYA'; to neutralize COVID19. He was a guest/invited//adjunct faculty in Electrical Engineering Dept at IIT, Bombay, Goa Engineering College, University of Mumbai and CEERI (CSIR) Pilani for post graduate courses. He has guided 10 Ph D students, more than 130 M.Tech students and evaluated more than 25 Ph D Thesis. He has co-authored a book with Prof G. Kumar for Artech House, USA and published over 480 research papers in international/national journals and conference proceedings, which has earned him more than 7000 citations. He holds 3 patents, earned 10 Transfer of Technology (ToT) for commercialization and filed 5 patents. He has been in advisory capacity for many engineering colleges, Polytechnic, international/national conferences, chaired many sessions and delivered more than 120 invited talks, which also includes “First Abdul Kalam Memorial Lecture” at Interim Test Range (ITR), DRDO, Chandipur 2018 and “Ram Lal Wadhwa Lectures 2018. He is a member of many national level scientific committees of various ministries and departments. He is an associate editor of International Journal on RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, John Wiley, and prolific reviewer of IEEE TAP, AWPS, IEEE Access, Electronics Letter, IET (Formerly IEE, UK), International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (USA), PIERS (USA), International Journal of electronics (USA), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications (USA), International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology (IJMOT) USA, International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology Hindwai, AEU Elsevier, SADHNA Springer, IETE (India) and many international/national conferences/symposium. He is a fellow of IETE, a senior member of IEEE (USA), and life member of Instrument society of India and Engineers of EMI/EMC society of India. He received many awards including most coveted IETE-Ram Lal Wadhwa Award 2018, IETE-Ranjna Pal Memorial Award 2014 and several research paper awards.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Jun 2021
- Time: 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
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