IEEE CTS PE/PEL/IE/IA Societies, Austin Joint Chapter, “IEEE 2014 Grounding Details & Practices Workshopâ€
This day-long workshop will provide practical details on how to accomplish the grounding requirements of the NEC. The instructors will be representatives from the manufacturers that supply items to the electrical industry to explain in a “hands on†setting:
* how those items should be used properly,
* how they should not be used,
* the differences in applications, and
* how to tell whether an item has been misused or not.
The cost for the workshop (through September 29, 2014) will be:
* $100.00 IEEE Members, Seniors, Fellows
* $125.00 Non-IEEE Members
* $50.00 IEEE Student Members
* $50.00 IEEE Life Members, Seniors, Fellows
After September 29, 2014, the cost of the workshop will increase for each category above:
* $150.00 IEEE Members, Seniors, Fellows
* $175.00 Non-IEEE Members
* $60.00 IEEE Student Members
* $60.00 IEEE Life Members, Seniors, Fellows
If you are not an IEEE member, now would be a great time to join so you can enjoy the substantial discount above for membership!
The workshop fee includes:
* Breakfast TACOS
* Break Refreshments
* Lunch
* Paper copy of AEMC’s book, "Understanding Ground Resistance Testing."
**You MUST preregister and prepay for this event.**
**Please note the important registration instructions below:**
To register online, click on "+Click Here to Register+" below. This will take you to a webpage where you can fill in your registration information. When you have completed the form, click one of the two buttons at the bottom of the form. If you would like to pay for the event with a credit card or PayPay, click the "+Register and pay the fee now+" button. You will be directed to a webpage where you can make your payment. If you would like to pay for the event with a check **prior to September 25**, click the "+Register and pay the fee at the meeting+" button. Then, click the link below to obtain the mail-in form and instructions:
"Mail-In Form":
If you have registered and elected to pay by check, but subsequently decide to pay by credit card or PayPal, re-register per the instructions above for credit card payment. We will eliminate any duplicate unpaid registrations.
All cancellation and refund requests must be submitted in writing prior to September 30, 2014, to: James Mercier, IEEE, 518 Academy Drive, Austin, TX 78704. There will be a 20% processing fee charged for all refunds.
Date and Time
- Date: 03 Oct 2014
- Time: 12:00 PM UTC to 10:00 PM UTC
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- Co-sponsored by James Mercier
- Starts 10 August 2014 01:00 PM UTC
- Ends 03 October 2014 04:00 AM UTC
- Admission fee ?
Time: 7:00AM-5:00PM
07:00am – 08:00am Registration, Breakfast, Coffee, Networking
08:00am – 08:20am Opening & Introduction
08:20am – 10:00am General Session
10:00am – 10:20am Break & Visit Supplier Displays
10:20am – 11:45pm Breakout Sessions 1, 2, 3
11:45pm – 01:00pm Lunch, Presentation & Supplier Displays
01:00pm – 01:55pm Breakout Sessions 4, 5
01:55pm – 02:05pm Break & Visit Supplier Displays
02:05pm – 03:00pm General Session
03:00pm – 03:30pm Break & Visit Supplier Displays
03:30pm – 04:30pm Wrap-Up & Supplier Displays
04:30pm – 05:00pm TDLR Instruction for Electricians
Mr. Tim Cowgill, also from AEMC Instruments, will teach the use of the AEMC clamp-on ground test meter as well as where it cannot be used and how to tell if the readings are in error.
Mr. Greg Russell, Vice President of Burrus & Matthews South, will demonstrate how to use Cadweld exothermic welding. Participants actually perform Cadwelding and will receive a certificate of qualification as part of the training.
Mr. Brad Yarbrough, Burndy, will present the requirements of mechanical bonding for grounding, which standard items should and should not be used in a situation, and the details of proper compression tools and devices. The instruction here will concentrate on proper items and connections for Ufer grounds but will cover other grounding connections and details.
Mr. Dave Costello, P.E., Technical Support Director of Schweitzer Engineering, will present substation groundfault detections levels and trip settings.
Mr. James Mercier, P.E., and a Texas Master Electrician will present a Civil Engineer’s perspective on Ufer grounds and other earth grounding methods, and the pitfalls of current construction practices.
The workshop will also include displays and presentations by select electrical industry suppliers. This workshop is intended for electrical engineers, electrical designers, electricians and estimators. Upon completion of the workshop, participants will receive a certificate for eight PDHs.
Application approval is pending with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulations (TDLR) for Continuing Education (CE) credit hour requirements for Master Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Master Sign Electrician, Journeyman Sign Electrician, Apprentice Electrician, Maintenance Electrician and Residential Wireman.